#title(情報知識学会誌 抄録 (Vol. 12, No. 4))
*情報知識学会誌 抄録 (Vol. 12, No. 4) [#n127fb03]

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 3-21 [#e6a81971]

An Application of EAD/XML to the Japanese Archival Descriptions and the Management of Archives: 
The Position of EAD, Encoded Archival Description in the Management Process of Archives 
Haruyoshi GOTOH 
'''An Application of EAD/XML to the Japanese Archival Descriptions and the Management of Archives:'''~ 
'''The Position of EAD, Encoded Archival Description in the Management Process of Archives'''~
'''Haruyoshi GOTOH'''~

 記録史料記述の国際標準の一つ「国際標準:記録史料記述の一般原則;ISAD (G) 」を,日本の記録史料記述,具体的には記録史料目録へ適用する試みは多く存在する.しかし,その記述構造を反映した竜子化例はけっして多くない.筆者は,ISAD (G) 準拠の記録史料記述XML化の経験と先行のEAD化実桟例をふまえ,記録史料記述電子化の事実上の国際規格EAD, Encoded Archival Description (符号化記録史料記述;SGMLサブセット) を採用し適用実験をおこなった.その結果,適用可能であることが確認でき,一定程度の困難が残るものの実用上の問題を克服しうることが判明した.この論文では,記録史料管理のいくつかの場面で発生する記録史料 (記述) 情報と,EAD化に必要な情報とを,なるべく調和させる形で記録史料記述 (記録史料目録) をEAD化するための考え方や手順を紹介したい.これにより,記録史料管理過程におけるEADの位置を明らかにする. 

After the adoption of ISAD(G), General International Standard Archival Description, it was reviewed immediately in Japan. There are many experiments on the application of ISAD(G) to the Japanese archival description (or archival finding aids), whereas there is no application experiment of XML for the Japanese archival descriptions which applied ISADCG) except for my experiment. However, in my experiment, I did not use EAD, Encoded Archival Description (SGML subset) which was a de-facto international rule for the electronic archival description, because I thought that EAD was complex and difficult, and it had the problem on practical use in Japanese archives. 

This time, I examined some examples of practicing encoding archival finding aids. As the result of examination, it clarified the possibility of solution of the problem on practical use, though some unsettled problems remain. This article shows an idea and a procedure of the creation of EAD-encoded archival descriptions or finding aids). I would like to point out that EAD can be used as a means to integrate various archival information in the management process of archives. In conclusion, this article clarifies the position of the use of EAD in the management process of archives. I hope that this article contributes to the spread of encoding archival descriptions (finding aids) in EAD on Japanese archives. 

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 22-31 [#ea9f20f1]

An XML Format for Proteomics Database to Accelerate Collaboration among Bioresearchers 
Hironori MIZUGUCHI† Ken'ichi KAMIJO‡ and Akira TSUGITA‡* 
'''An XML Format for Proteomics Database to Accelerate Collaboration among Bioresearchers'''~
'''Hironori MIZUGUCHI† Ken'ichi KAMIJO‡ and Akira TSUGITA‡*'''~


We propose an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format for proteomics database to exchange proteome analysis data. The XML-based data is highly machine-readable and easy to represent information hierarchy and relationships. There have been several XML formats of proteome data which mainly represent the sequence information stored in the Protein Identification Resource (PIR) and the Protein Data Base (PDB). Our XMLbased data format has a proteome-analysis-oriented structure and describes information of sample preparation, 2D gel electrophoresis images, spot identification information in the gels and the sequence information of the spots. The model is used to exchange both of preparation parameters and the results of 2D gel electrophoresis analysis. It would accelerate collaboration among proteomics researchers if a platform exchanging these data is developed on the internee. By using the XML-based data format for proteomics, we have developed an XML editor and a web-based prototype system which consists of XML database, agent, security and graphical user interface (GUI). 

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 32-52 [#mc835266]

健診情報のための電子的交換規約 - Health Data Markup Language (HDML) - 
Electronic Data Interchange Protocol for Healthcare - Health Data Markup Language (HDML) - 
原正一郎 (1),杉森裕樹 (2),古海勝彦 (3),東福寺鴇夫 (4),窪寺健 (4),河合正樹 (4),吉田勝美 (2) 
Shoichiro HARA (1), Hiroki SUGIMORI (2), Katsuhiko FURUMI (3), Ikuo TOFUKUJI (4), Takeshi KUBODERA (4), Masaki KAWAI (4), and Katsumi Yoshida (2) 
(1) 国文学研究資料館研究資料部, (2) 聖マリアンナ医科大学予防医学教室, (3) 産業医科大学医学部医療科学講座, (4) JAHIS検診情報委員会 
''健診情報のための電子的交換規約 - Health Data Markup Language (HDML) -''~
'''Electronic Data Interchange Protocol for Healthcare - Health Data Markup Language (HDML) -'''~
''~原正一郎 (1),杉森裕樹 (2),古海勝彦 (3),東福寺鴇夫 (4),窪寺健 (4),河合正樹 (4),吉田勝美 (2)''~
'''Shoichiro HARA (1), Hiroki SUGIMORI (2), Katsuhiko FURUMI (3), Ikuo TOFUKUJI (4), Takeshi KUBODERA (4), Masaki KAWAI (4), and Katsumi Yoshida (2)'''~
''(1) 国文学研究資料館研究資料部, (2) 聖マリアンナ医科大学予防医学教室, (3) 産業医科大学医学部医療科学講座, (4) JAHIS検診情報委員会''

 健康審査 (健診) には多数の施設が関わっており,これらの施設の健診情報システム間でデータを交換する必要がある.ところが健診に関わるデータ構造は多様であり,健診依頼元へ検査結果を電子的に還元することすら容易ではない.そこで平成8年より,日本総合健診医学会情報委員会は,健診データの有効利用を図るために日本保健福祉医療情報システム工業会と合同委員会を組織し,標準健診データ交挽規約 (HDML:Health Data Markup Language) とツールの開発に着手した.HDMLはSGML/XMLを基礎とし,既存の医療情報交換規約との互換性を考慮しつつ,健診に特化したデータ交換規約である.本稿ではHDMLの横道と,HDMLツールを用いた評価試験の結果について述べる.HDMLの導入によりデー夕交換にかかわるコストの削減が可能となる.さらにデータ交換の段階でデータ碍造が標準化されるため,複数の医療施設で発生した健診データを生涯健康管理データベースとして集積・管理でさるようになり,生活習慣病などの予防医学にも大きく貢献することが期待される. 

A lot of healthcare facilities should be concerned with health-checkups, and healthcare data must be exchanged among information systems of these facilities. However, as healthcare data structure is heterogeneous among facilities, even the electronic data transfer of test results to the requester is not easy. The Joint Working Group of JOINTS (Japan Society of Multiphasic Health Testing and Service) and JAHIS (Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems Industry) commenced developing standard healthcare data exchange protocol (HD~IL: Health Data Markup Language) and tools for effective data utilization among healthcare facilities. HDML is SGML/XML-based data description protocol, with considering compatibility with existing standard medical/health information exchange protocols, that specializes in healthcare data exchange. The structure of HDML and the results of the feasibility study with HDML tools are described. HDML can reduce the cost related to data exchange. In addition, HDML is expected to contribute to a preventive medicine such as lifestyle diseases greatly because all data structure is standardized during data exchanging and all healthcare data generated by different, medical/health facilities will be easily accumulated and managed as "lifetime healthcare data management system." 

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 53-68 [#n68fec2a]

「XMLに基づくコンピュータ処理可能な構造化ディジタル オブジェクト」の概念によるWebリソースの 検索システムの研究と開発 
Research and Development of a Web Retrieval System on the Concept of "Computer-Processable Structured Digital Object based on XML" 
李穎* 石塚英弘* 
Ying LI an Hidehiro ISHIZUKA 
''「XMLに基づくコンピュータ処理可能な構造化ディジタル オブジェクト」の概念によるWebリソースの 検索システムの研究と開発''~
'''Research and Development of a Web Retrieval System on the Concept of "Computer-Processable Structured Digital Object based on XML"'''~
''李穎* 石塚英弘*''~
'''Ying LI an Hidehiro ISHIZUKA'''~

 膨大な学術情報を如何に表現し,提供し,また如何なる検索機能を提供すれば良いか.これは古くかつ新しい課題である.これまで種々の手法が開発されてきたが,それぞれに欠点があり,研究者,すなわち,特定の情報源に限定されることなく,広く情報を調査し,よりノイズの少ない状態で有用な情報を得て,得られた結果を自らの観点から再構成しようとする利用者にとって,満足できる状況とは言いがたい.これを解決するためには,新たな概念に基づく方法論が必要であると考える.本研究では,「XMLに基づくコンピュータ処理可能な構造化ディジタルオブジェクト」,すなわち,情報の最小単位を構成要素とし,XMLを用いて表現する碍造化情報表現を考え,その槻念に基づいて,Webリソースの検索システムのモデルを考案した.そして,典型的なフアクトデータベースであるMerck Indexのデータを例として,プロトタイプを開発した.そのデータ構造はXMLschemaを用いて表現し,ASP.NET上に実現した. 

How is huge scientific information described and serviced? What retrieval functions should be provided? These are old and new problems to be solved. So far various methods have been developed, however each of them includes some defects. The situation is not satisfying for the researcher's needs who wants to investigate information widely not restricted to the particular resource? to get valuable information with less noise, and to reorganize obtained information according to his/her view. A new methodology on new concept is necessary to resolve the situation. We proposed concept of "Computer Processable Structured Digital Object based on XML (Extensible Markup Language): (CPSDO/XML)" that is composed of elementary units of information, and designed an information retrieval system based on CPSDO/XML for Web resources. We also developed a prototype for Merck Index data, that is a typical fact database, on ASP.NET. The data structure is described with XML schema. 

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 69-76 [#qed6306e]

A Community Aims at "Knowledge-Emergent Society" by "Document Management" 
'''A Community Aims at "Knowledge-Emergent Society" by "Document Management" '''~
'''Ken NISHIMURA'''~



"Knowledge-emergent society" aims at that people of a community can work independently towards solution of a local subject. In order to use for activity of such intellectual production, it is a subject as a platform of information and knowledge to promote construction of an electronic document system. 

However, as for a local government, a, bureaucracy principle still exists persistently. A local government prefers to process the work given by several Ministries or the prefecture. Then, the local government cannot develop information policy which connects up issues of the area horizontally with a network. 

In order to cope with the compound subject of a, community, the member of the community, such as residents, NPO, or a company, needs to share knowledge resources, need to aim at practical use of them, and need collaboration. 

Here is the important view of "e-democracy". In order to realize the view, platform construction of XML-based "document management", which controls the dynamics of information and knowledge, is indispensable. 

**情報知識学会誌, 2002, 12(4), 77-83 [#c55f9037]

伝統的知識と知的所有権 - 解説 
Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights: A Review 
Kotaro NAWA 
''伝統的知識と知的所有権 - 解説 ''~
'''Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights: A Review'''~
'''Kotaro NAWA'''~

 伝統的知識 (TK) は先住民の社会,地域社会がもつ知識,信条などの総体であり,生物多様性の保全およびその持続的な応用と密接に結びついている.TKは世代から世代へと伝承され,固有の発明者をもたない.いっぼう,知的所有権 (IPRs) は個人によって創作された新しい知識を保護するものであり,集合的な権利にはなじまない.したがって,TKに村するIPRsの関係は多くの国際的なフォーラムで論争を生じている. 

Traditional knowledge(TK) is defined as a cumulative body of knowledge and beliefs of indigenous and local communities and closely linked to the conservation and sustainable use of bio diversity. TIL is handed down from generation to generation, and has no identifiable inventor. Intellectuals property rights(IPRs), in contrast, protect new knowledge that is created by individuals and do not recognize collective rights. Therefore, many controversies over the impacts of IPRS on the TK have been raised in various international forums.

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