情報知識学会誌 抄録 (Vol. 13, No. 1)

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 1-9

On Properties of Biological Concept Network
真栄城哲也† 藤原譲‡ 下原勝憲†
Tetsuya MAESHIRO Yuzuru FUJIWARA and Katsunori SHIMOHARA
†ATR 人間情報科学研究所


133,251 terms extracted from biological books and dictionaries were processed to automatically extract semantic relations among terms such as hierarchical and equivalent relations. Extracted terms represent biological concepts, thus extracted relations define the biological conceptual network. Analysis of the constructed conceptual network shows double scale-free property, and concepts with large number of semantic relations are shown to be important biological concepts. These concepts with large number of semantic relations shorten the time to search concepts in the network.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 10-22

データの再利用が可能な 複数用語体系ブラウジングシステムの構築
A Browsing System Based on Reusable Data Format for Various Terminological Systems 高久雅生† 江革由佳† 伊東千夏†1 石塚英弘†2
'Masao TAKAKU Yuka EGUSA Chinatsu ITO and Hidehiro ISHIZUKA
† 図書館情報大学 情報メディア研究科, 2 筑波大学 図書館情報学系


We developed a browsing system for various terminological systems. Our system can support to create a new terminological system, using terms with hierarchical relationship picked up from existent terminological systems. A user can grasp the hierarchical relationships between selected terms intuitively, since our system illustrates the structure in checkable map form, HTML form, etc. Our system also integrates the terms with hierarchical relationships selected from several terminological systems, and displays the terms and relationships among them, therefore a user can grasp the structure and can collect the vocabularies suitable for the new terminological system for him/her to create. Moreover, our system provides reusable terminological data written in XML (Extensible  Markup Language). Our system is successfully applied to five terminological systems which differ from each other in their fields or scales. Looking at the structure of several terminological systems. a user of our system can browse the integrated result of one or more terminological systems in arbitrary combination, and can also acquire the displayed data as the XML form, and can reuse it for his/her task. These results indicate effectiveness and usefulness of our system.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 23-32

文化財情報の記述項目 - 現状の分析と系統化の課題 -
Categories for Describing Information of Cultural Properties - Present State andProblems to be Solved for Systemizing -
田良島 哲*


Though unique styles have been accumulated for describing various aspects of Japanese traditional cultural properties, few education systems and academic discussions have been developed for it. Therefore much difficulty is caused in sharing information about cultural properties among museums and researchers. This paper introduces data categories used in published catalogs of some museums in Japan, and tries to arrange them into international museum data standard. As a result, despite names of the categories vary widely among museums, many share common concepts by appropriate arrangement. This fact suggests the possibility of sharing of basic object data among museums. As every category has its characteristic style of description based on academic background, the author introduces some typical styles and points out some problems expected in sharing information.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 33-41

An Investigation Report on the usage of the Full-text database for Japanese Classical Literature
愛知淑徳大学大学院 文学研究科 図書館情報学専攻


  1. 「日本古典文学本文データベレス」の使われ方.
  2. 「日本古典文学本文データベース」が利用者の研究活動に与えたに影響.  調査方法は,竜子メールを用いたアンケートによった.調査項目は10項目とし,その内容は,「日本古典文学本文データベース」の利用方法および,その研究活動への影響についてである.調査結果からは以下のような興味深い結果が得られた.
  1. 「日本古典文学本文データベース」による調査を前提とした研究が行われている.
  2. 研究のスピードを上げたり,生産性を高める影響は出ている.  また,利用者が,より多くの作品の収録や精確な本文の提供を求めていることも明らかになった.

This paper attempts to evaluate the following areas based on the usage survey performed regarding the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature.

  1. How the Full-text Database for ,Japanese Classical Literature is used
  2. What effect the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature has had on the research activities of its users The survey was conducted using an E-mail questionnaire. Ten areas for survey were prepared, focusing on how the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature is used and what effect it has had on research activities. We were able to obtain the following fascinating results from analysis of the survey results.
  1. Research which presupposes use of the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature is being conducted.
  2. Research is being carried out faster, and productivity has also improved. In addition, it has become clear from this survey that many users want to see a greater variety of works and more accurate texts available.

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