情報知識学会誌, Vol. 13

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 1-9

On Properties of Biological Concept Network
真栄城 哲也†, 藤原 譲††, 下原 勝憲†
†ATR 人間情報科学研究所, ††工業所有権総合情報館'


133,251 terms extracted from biological books and dictionaries were processed to automatically extract semantic relations among terms such as hierarchical and equivalent relations. Extracted terms represent biological concepts, thus extracted relations define the biological conceptual network. Analysis of the constructed conceptual network shows double scale-free property, and concepts with large number of semantic relations are shown to be important biological concepts. These concepts with large number of semantic relations shorten the time to search concepts in the network.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 10-22

データの再利用が可能な 複数用語体系ブラウジングシステムの構築
A Browsing System Based on Reusable Data Format for Various Terminological Systems
高久 雅生†, 江革 由佳†, 伊東 千夏†, 石塚 英弘††
Masao TAKAKU, Yuka EGUSA, Chinatsu ITO, Hidehiro ISHIZUKA
†図書館情報大学 情報メディア研究科, ††筑波大学 図書館情報学系


We developed a browsing system for various terminological systems. Our system can support to create a new terminological system, using terms with hierarchical relationship picked up from existent terminological systems. A user can grasp the hierarchical relationships between selected terms intuitively, since our system illustrates the structure in checkable map form, HTML form, etc. Our system also integrates the terms with hierarchical relationships selected from several terminological systems, and displays the terms and relationships among them, therefore a user can grasp the structure and can collect the vocabularies suitable for the new terminological system for him/her to create. Moreover, our system provides reusable terminological data written in XML (Extensible  Markup Language). Our system is successfully applied to five terminological systems which differ from each other in their fields or scales. Looking at the structure of several terminological systems. a user of our system can browse the integrated result of one or more terminological systems in arbitrary combination, and can also acquire the displayed data as the XML form, and can reuse it for his/her task. These results indicate effectiveness and usefulness of our system.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 23-32

文化財情報の記述項目 -現状の分析と系統化の課題-
Categories for Describing Information of Cultural Properties -Present State andProblems to be Solved for Systemizing-
田良島 哲


Though unique styles have been accumulated for describing various aspects of Japanese traditional cultural properties, few education systems and academic discussions have been developed for it. Therefore much difficulty is caused in sharing information about cultural properties among museums and researchers. This paper introduces data categories used in published catalogs of some museums in Japan, and tries to arrange them into international museum data standard. As a result, despite names of the categories vary widely among museums, many share common concepts by appropriate arrangement. This fact suggests the possibility of sharing of basic object data among museums. As every category has its characteristic style of description based on academic background, the author introduces some typical styles and points out some problems expected in sharing information.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(1), 33-41

An Investigation Report on the usage of the Full-text database for Japanese Classical Literature
山西 史子
愛知淑徳大学大学院 文学研究科 図書館情報学専攻


  1. 「日本古典文学本文データベレス」の使われ方.
  2. 「日本古典文学本文データベース」が利用者の研究活動に与えたに影響.  調査方法は,竜子メールを用いたアンケートによった.調査項目は10項目とし,その内容は,「日本古典文学本文データベース」の利用方法および,その研究活動への影響についてである.調査結果からは以下のような興味深い結果が得られた.
  1. 「日本古典文学本文データベース」による調査を前提とした研究が行われている.
  2. 研究のスピードを上げたり,生産性を高める影響は出ている.  また,利用者が,より多くの作品の収録や精確な本文の提供を求めていることも明らかになった.

This paper attempts to evaluate the following areas based on the usage survey performed regarding the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature.

  1. How the Full-text Database for ,Japanese Classical Literature is used
  2. What effect the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature has had on the research activities of its users The survey was conducted using an E-mail questionnaire. Ten areas for survey were prepared, focusing on how the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature is used and what effect it has had on research activities. We were able to obtain the following fascinating results from analysis of the survey results.
  1. Research which presupposes use of the Full-text Database for Japanese Classical Literature is being conducted.
  2. Research is being carried out faster, and productivity has also improved. In addition, it has become clear from this survey that many users want to see a greater variety of works and more accurate texts available.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(2), 2-17

Consideration on Noah's Ark Strategy in Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Object-shared Space
飯村 伊智郎†, 池端 伸哉††, 中山 哉†
†鹿児島大学 工学部 情報工学科, ††日立ソフトウェアエンジニアリング(株)

 遺伝的アルゴリズム(genetic algorithm:GA)には,集団内で同じ個体が急増するなどして,集団の多様性が失われてしまう過剰収束という好ましくない現象が生じ得る.一旦過剰収束が起こると交叉はその櫻能を失い,GAによる抹索が殆ど意味のないものになってしまう.この過剰収束を回避して多様性を維持することが,GAを適用する際の重要なポイントとなる.本論文では,まず,並列GAの実装形態として,柔軟な分散並列処理の構築を提供し得るオブジェクト共有空間を欄いた実装を提案する.次に,でさる限り単純な仕組みで過剰収煎を回避する手法として,並列GAにおけるノアの箱舟戦略を提案し実験によりその有用性を明らかにする.この手法は,進化の停滞した部分集団の個体の殆ビを探索解空間から新たに迎え入れた個体群と入れ換えるものであり,非同期に均質個体を淘汰し集団の多様性滅少に制限をかけることで過剰収束を回避する.

In a genetic algorithm (GA), the undesirable phenomenon of excess convergence can often occur. Excess convergence is the phenomenon where the diversity of a group is lost. This phenomenon occurs because homogeneous individuals are increased rapidly in the group while searching. Therefore, a crossover loses its function. Once the excess convergence occurs, the search by the GA becomes meaningless. It then becomes important in the adaptation of the GA to avoid this excess convergence and maintain the diversity. First, we show an implementation of a parallel GA based on a multiple group type island model by using object-shared space. Next, as an effective method for avoiding the excess convergence in a simple mechanism, we propose the diversity maintenance technique based on selection of the homogeneous individuals called Noah's ark strategy in parallel GA, and clarify the effectiveness on the knapsack problem. Our proposed method is to replace the individuals of sub-groups having the excess convergence with the new individuals coming from the search space. That is, we avoid the excess convergence by expelling homogeneous individuals asynchronously except for Noah who is an elite individual, and limiting a decrease of the diversity of the entire sub-group.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(2), 18-31

Database System of Priests in Heian and Kamakura Periods
田中 猛彦†, 冨金原 賢次††, 宇都宮 啓吾†††, 中川 優†
†和歌山大学 システム工学部, ††日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社, ††大谷女子大学 文学部


Among the researchers who investigate the society in Heian and Kamakura periods, a comprehensive database of the persons and literatures together with a user-friendly retrieving service has been required. In this paper, we present a database system based on Buddhist scriptures and genealogical trees of both the blood relationship and the master pupil relationship. We experimentally construct the database, while we implement the retrieval services which apply to the database. With these services, the user can not only see a single genealogical tree but obtain two genealogical trees to understand the human relationship between the specified two persons. Moreover we consider how to store a number of records of person and literature smoothly in the database. Finally, we propose and implement a constructing method of the genealogical trees by a bottom-up approach. By using this system, the researchers can register the records efficiently, and they will find novel human relationships behind the genealogical trees.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(2), 32-40

A Study of a Method of Arranging the Data of Variant Texts of the Tale of Genji
大内 英範
Hidenori OUCHI


The research on text of the "Tale of Genji" is still imperfect. Much manuscripts which is not known yet exists on the earth. We have to conduct those investigations. However, we hardly argued about the method of arranging the data of investigated texts. This paper reports the data management by the Comma Separated Value. And processing of the CSV file by the tool "kogetsu" and "kukri" is reported. "Kogetsu" is the tool which collages different texts. "Kukri" is the tool which measures the distance of texts by comparing many texts. When the data of much manuscripts are accumulated, such a processing tool will bear a big role.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(2), 41-47

Functional strengthening and employment of Macroscopic Anomaly System by employment
和佐 好智†, 弘原海 清††
†岡山理科大学大学院 総合情報学部 生物地球システム専攻
††岡山理科大学 総合情報学部 生物地球システム学科


We use Macroscopic Anomaly as one of the methods of trying earthquake prediction at this laboratory of Okayama University of Science. Generally, Macroscopic Anomaly just before the occurrence of an earthquake is observed in the circumference of the focus. In order to use this macroscopic anomaly and to perform an earthquake prediction, a quicker collection and public presentation system is required. For this reason, MASPA (Macroscopic Anomaly System by e-PISCO ASP) were started from September, 2000 on the web like of a laboratory. Functional strengthening of 1/IASPA and the employment result by December, 2002 is introduced.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 3-11

Discovery Regularities by Materials Database
陳 迎†, 岩田 修一†, 金田 保則†, ピエル ビラス††
Ying CHEN, Shuichi IWATA, Yasunori KANETA, Pierre VILLARS
†School of Engineering,The University of Tokyo,Japan, ††Materials Phases Data System,Switzerland


With the spectacular development of information technology nowadays, the data mining approach based on well organized materials database with large amount of high quality data is becoming a powerful tool in materials design. PAULING FILE is a comprehensive materials database for all non-organic solid state materials, covering crystallographer data, phase diagrams, diffraction patterns and physical properties data published within the last 100 years. The newly released PAULING FILE, BINARIES EDITION contains about 28,000 crystal structure entries, 28,000 diffraction entries, 42,000 property data and 8,000 constitution entries and 8,000 images of phase diagram. Systematic searching and analyzing within this huge amount of data from various aspects have revealed the regularities and correlations implicit in materials which directly provide hints on candidate materials in preliminary stage. The regularities discovered in binary systems among substance structure, property and the atomic properties of its constitution are presented.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 12-24

データマイニング技法を用いた 診断アンケート支援システム
Diagnostic Questionnaire Supporting System Using a Data-Mining Technique
田中猛彦†, 田中康幸††, 中川優†, 小倉光博††, 板倉徹††
Takehiko TANAKA, Yasuyuki TANAKA, Masaru NAKAGAWA, Mitsuhiro OGURA, Toru ITAKURA
†和歌山大学システム工学部, ††株式会社日立システムアンドサービス, †††和歌山県立医科大学脳神経学科


Diagnostic questionnaires come into wide use in the internet. The conductor of a questionnaire has to arrange the weighted score for each option, before deriving the resulting scores from the replies. It is, however, difficult to assign accurate, well-founded weighted scores to all the options. In this paper, we propose a method for calculating the weighted scores according to the reply database of the questionnaire, for the purpose of presenting the optimum resulting score at any time. We adopt a correlation analysts, one of the data-mining techniques, to modify the weighted scores. For verifying the validity, we apply the method to a questionnaire on the cerebral hemorrhage. There were replied 713 answers including 13 ones of those who experienced the cerebral hemorrhage. As a result of using the proposed method, the scatter graph of the age and the resulting score is drawn where the resulting scores increase with aging. Furthermore, several questions such as the one about the occupation are judged to be correlated and the options of these questions are weighted, which means the detection of the novel knowledge.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 25-38

Frequency Distribution of the Number of Amino Acid Triplets in the Non-Redundant Protein Database
大滝 丈二, 後藤 智範, 山本 晴彦
Joji M.OTAKI†, Tomonori GOTOH††, Haruhiko YAMAMOTO†
†Department of Biological Science,Kanagawa University;神奈川大学 理学部生物学科
††Department of Information and Computer Science,Kanagawa University;神奈川大学理学部情報化学科

Protein molecules are polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, and they play various roles in innumerable biological functions. This remarkable functional diversity of biological proteins originates from linear sequences of 20 different amino acid residues. Their sequence information, which is encoded in genes as DNA sequences, is a product of molecular evolution at the genetic level. Upon completion of many genome projects, amino acid sequence records of proteins in databases, which include conceptually translated sequences from DNA, have already been accumulated over 1.24 million, and more than ever, the number of records is still increasing rapidly. Although these sequence databases have been mainly used for similarity searches, fundamental characters of these databases have not been examined thoroughly. Here we investigated biological significance of 8000 combinatorial sets of three amino acids (triplets) in proteins. Defining the number of each triplet in a database as "triplet count", we constructed a histogram for the frequency distribution of triplet counts in the non-redundant protein (nr- aa) database downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information as of November 2002. Distribution range of the histogram was shown to be larger than that of the theoretical histogram generated randomly from the population having the amino acid composition of the nr-aa database, although overall shapes of these histograms were similar to each other. The difference between these two distributions was more dramatically highlighted in histograms showing the ratio of the original triplet counts in the nr-aa database or of the theoretical triplet counts generated randomly to the expected triplet counts derived from the amino acid composition in the database. Whereas the theoretical distribution well fitted the normal error curve due to the random flirtations inherently associated with the sampling procedure itself, the distribution for the existing triplets in the nr-aa database peaked much less and skewed much more toward higher values than the theoretical one, indicating a non-random and possibly biological nature of triplet counts in the nr-aa database. We also performed the same procedure in five phylogenetically distinct species: human (Homo sapiens), mouse (Mus musculus), fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), soil nematode (Caenorhabditzs elegant), and a colon bacterium (Escherichia colt). We found similar trends in all species examined here, largely excluding the possibility that the characteristic trend of the triplet-count distribution that was found using the entire database records might have resulted solely from some "sampling artifacts'? of the database itself. In other words, the existence of the species independent distribution trend mostly ruled out the possibility that the nr-aa database over-represents or under-represents particular kinds of proteins simply because of the arbitrary research history of biological sciences. Taken together, this study suggested the existence of non-random and species-independent biological preferences for particular triplets in proteins at the population level, which might have been "fixed" either accidentally or for functional reasons early during the course of biological evolution.


情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 39-48

Knowledge-Note Obtained Using XML from Materials Factual Database
藤田充苗†, 徐一斌†, 加治芳行††, 塚田隆††, 小野瀬庄二†††, 益子真−††††, 芦野俊宏††††
Mitsutane FUJITA, Yibin XU, Yoshiyuki KAJI, Takashi TSUKADA, Shoji ONOSE, Shinnnichi MASHIKO, Toshihiro ASHINO
†物質・材料研究機構, ††日本原子力研究, †††核燃料サイクル開発機構, ††††東洋大学


The distributed material database system named `Data-Free-Way', (DFW) has been developed by four organizations, (the National Institute for Materials Science, the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, and the Japan Science and Technology Corporation) under a cooperative agreement in order to share fresh and stimulating information as well as accumulated information for the development of advanced nuclear materials, for the materials design, etc.

In order to create additional values of the system, knowledge base system, in which knowledge extracted from the material database is expressed, is planned to be developed for more effective utilization of DFW. XAIL has been adopted as the description method of the retrieved results and the meaning of them. One knowledge note described with XML is stored as one knowledge which composes the knowledge base. Since this knowledge note is described with XIIL, the user can easily convert the display form of the table and the graph into the data format which the user usually uses. This paper describes the current status of DFW. the description method of knowledge extracted from the material database with XhlL, handling of numerical data in the knowledge and the distributed material knowledge base system.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 49-57

Improvement of Sequence Alignment Based on Mutual Entropy
池 正人, 佐藤 圭子, 谷田 貝甲児, 大矢雅則
Masato IKE, Keiko SATO, Koji YATAGAI, Masanori OHYA


We improve the algorithm to align amino acid sequences af protein which is one of the most fundamental operations studying the analysis of genome. In pair-wise alignment, one chooses one aligned pair (i.e., two sequences) without special reasons from several aligned pairs (the number of these pairs is often very large) giving the same smallest values to the difference properly defined between two sequences. In this paper, we compute the mutual entropy for several such pairs having the same difference, and we classify the pairs into some groups such that the same group consist of the pairs having the same value of the mutual entropy, then we finally compute the mean value of the mutual entropy over the whole groups. As a consequence, we can observe the following interesting fact for some proteins that the aligned pair obtained by usual alignment with 3D protein structure (we call such a alignment the biological alignment here) is in the group having the value of the mutual entropy closest to the mean value of the mutual entropy. From the above observation we conclude that our method using the alignment (MOU-alignment) and the mutual entropy makes us possible to find the biological alignment, that is, we do not need to know the 3D structure to obtain the biological alignment.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 58-72

Chemical Database
田隅 三生† 朽津 耕三†† 細矢 治夫††† 早水 妃久子†††† 田辺 和俊‡ 森岡 義幸‡‡ 坂本 章‡‡ 佐藤 寿邦‡‡‡ 廣田 勇二‡‡‡‡
Mitsuo TASUMI, Kozo KUCHITSU, Haruo HOSOYA, Kikuko HAYAMIZU, Kazutoshi TANABE, Yoshiyuki MORIOKA, Akira SAKAMOTO, Hisakuni SATO, Yuji HIROTA
†東京大学・埼玉大学 名誉教授, ††東京大学・長岡技術科学大学 名誉教授, †††お茶の水女子大学 名誉教授, ††††エヌエムアールデービテック, ‡千葉工業大学, ‡‡埼玉大学 理学部, ‡‡‡横浜国立大学 大学院工学研究院, ‡‡‡‡化学情報協会


In chemistry, the collection, dissemination, and utilization of fact data and literature data have been made vigorously for many years. Today, many of them are available by electronic media or through the internet. The present status of several databases constructed in Japan and some representative databases constructed outside Japan, both of which are widely utilized, is briefly described.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 73-83

用語は名詞でなければいけないか? -用語規格における用語の品詞的考察-
The Grammatical Forms Parts of Speech of Terms Presented in Term Standards
太田 泰弘
Yasuhiro OTA
立教大学 国際学部


Most of terms presented in term standards are nouns. Using ISO International Standards and Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), the author examined this matter. Though the history of technical vocabularies in which nouns are preferable results to prepare the noun-oriented term standards, the primary terms in technical fields investigating behavior and perfection are verbs and adjectives, respectively, and the other forms besides nouns should be accepted in term standards.

情報知識学会誌, 2003, 13(3), 84-90

Production and Usability Evaluation of an Animation-Based E-Manual for "Eye Ball Motion Measurement Equipment"
能城 正志, 野猿 潔
Masashi NOJO, Kiyoshi NOSU
東海大学 開発工学部


This Notes describes the development of an electronic manual (e-manual), which used multimedia technology to explain the equipment used for the education and research of a university. The repot also describes the result of usability evaluation of the e-manual. The produced e-manual emphasized the emotion", which is the most significant feature of an e-manual. The result of evaluating the e-manual with motions shows

  1. An e-manual with motions is useful to obtain the skill to operate equipment, which is not easy to understand.
  2. However, further investigations are necessary for the showing time of CG animation, display designing and functions and the selection of media including video.

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