#title(情報知識学会誌, Vol.14)

* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 14 [#n44f4a73]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(1), 1-10}; [#ybbc4d59]
** 主成分分析による耳画像を用いた個人認識 &br; '''Human Recognition with Ear Image by Principal Component Analysis''' &br; 王 宇, 小野 智司, 武田 和大, 佐藤 公則, 中山 茂 &br; Yu WANG, Satoshi ONO, Kazuhiro TAKEDA, Kiminori SATO and Shigeru NAKAYAMA &br; 鹿児島大学工学部情報科学科 [#xf47a153]


We propose an individual recognition system using eigenear images. Although face images change owing to changes of emotion, growth, expressions, infirmity, and so on, ear images cannot be affected by them. Our system utilizes principal component analysis for dimensionality reduction, and Mahalanobis' Distance for individual recognition. Experimental results show that our system can recognize individuals with the high recognition rate 99.7% approximately the same rate of an existing method based on Genetic Algorithm(GA) in shorter time than that of the GA-based method. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(1), 11-22}; [#uc4d5210]
** Webサービスによる用語体系データの提供とその応用システム &br; '''Providing Data of Terminological Systems Based on Web Services and Its Application Systems''' &br; 高久 雅生†, 江草由佳†, 石塚英弘†† &br; Masao TAKAKU, Yuka EGUSA and Hidehiro ISHIZUKA &br; †図書館情報大学 情報メディア研究科, ††筑波大学 図書館情報学系 [#w1f6c95e]

 本研究では,用語体系の再利用性の向上と効率的な提供を目指してWebサービス(Web Services)の枠組みを利用した用語体系提供システムを碍築した.さらに,この用語体系提供Webサービスをバックエンドとする2つの応用システムを構築し,それによって,その適用可能性を示した.2つの応用システムは,用語体系のブラウジングシステムと,Googleによる検察Webサービスと連携するシステムである.用語体系提供Webサービスは,それぞれ一つのサービスが一つの用語体系に対応することとし,見出し語検索と見出し語が持つ樽造の取得を行う2つのインタフエースをもつ.用語体系をWebサービスの枠組みに基づいて提供することにより,アクセス方式が統一でさ,用語体系を提供する側,利用する側が相互に分散的に利用することが可能になった. 

We developed a providing service system of a terminological system, using a framework of Web Services, since we aims at improvement in the reusability and at efferent providing of a terminological system. The following two applications are successfully developed with the providing service system as a back-end service; one is a browsing system of several terminological systems and the other is a cooperating system with Web service of Google: search engine of Web pages. We used EDR technical term dictionary and a hierarchical structure data by Open Directory Project, as typical terminological systems. One service corresponds to one terminological system in our implementation, and has two interfaces; one searches word entries and the other acquires the structure of the entry. Various access methods to a terminological system are integrated to the access method with the framework of Web Service. Then, the method makes it possible for a user and a provider to access a terminological system in distributed way. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(1), 23-24}; [#e6ec6f6a]
** 学会活動についての一提案 &br; 会員 藤原 鐘男 [#vdc9eab3]

+ 提案の趣旨 


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 1-4}; [#ld8602ce]
** 印刷物によるバリアフリー・コミュニケーション・システムの新しい試み &br; '''New Approach to Barrier-Free Communication Using Paper Print''' &br; (株)廣済堂 深見拓史 &br; Kosaido, Takushi FUKAMI [#m11b0567]

Abstract In Japan, there has recently been an increasing interest in health, home care and welfare, as we enter into a society occupied by more and more elderly people and a smaller number of younger citizens. The Japanese government and the administrative divisions of Japan, including Tokyo, Hokkaido, Osaka, Kyoto and all the prefectures, have been adopting many kinds of health and welfare policies. As one such policy, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare designated an instrument for blind people and elderly people as a "daily life tool" in April 2003. This instrument translates information printed on paper to voice reading. The Ministry's policy and the associated budget will enable blind people to purchase the instrument with very little cost. Our company developed this instrument, called "SPEECHIO." as well as the new software that converts text to two-dimensional symbol named "SP-CODE." The SPEECHIO reads SP-CODE and changes text into voice reading automatically. We believe thig new barrier-free communication system will greatly help blind people and old-aged people who have difficulties in reading small prints. In this article, I describe this system and our ongoing and future ,activities with the system. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 5-8}; [#d5f0468b]
** 学術データ・データベースと知的財産権 &br; '''Academic Data, Databases and Intellectual Property Rights''' &br; 長塚 隆 &br; Takashi Nagatsuka &br; 鶴見大学 文学部ドキュメント学科 &br; Dept. of Library,Archival and Information Studies,School of Literature,Tsurumi University [#a9222871]

Abstracts: The rapid advances in digital technologies and networks have radically altered and improved the ways that data can be produced and used in science. The public domain information is defined as sources and types of data and information whose uses are not restricted by intellectual property or other statutory regimes and that are accordingly available to the public for use without authorization or restriction. It is increasing the pressure between the need of science for the free flows of data and information, and the considerations of the intellectual property rights with regards to the same data and information under the digital network environment. It is discussed in the case of the Global Biodiversity Information as the one of academic data and databases how to implicate the intellectual property rights on the databases. The EC Database Directive 1996 is created by a two-tier structure of intellectual property protection for original databases through copyright, and a new sui generis right for other unoriginal databases. In the United States, the bill named the Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act of 2003 (H.R.3261) is now in the process of legislation on the Congress. Where access to information is at issue, it would be necessary to introduce the new model of database rights as balanced with the free flows of academic data and databases in Japan. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 9-12}; [#w5448fac]
** 科研費分野変更に伴う情報学分野の変遷マッピング &br; '''Mapping of Information Science Fields with Change of Grants-in-Aid Research Field Classification''' &br; 西澤 正己, 孫 媛 &br; Masaki NISHIZAWA, Yuan SUN [#hfc2128d]

Classification of research fields for the Grants-in-Aid application has been changed a great deal since 2003 fiscal year. Changes in the interdisciplinary and new area are marked especially. It is interesting to find out where the usual research fields are moved to in the new classification. In this study, we focus on Information Science fields which were extended from the three to 11 research fields, and investigate which new research fields have strong relationship with and how they are located in the usual three Information Science fields by making use of those continuing adoption research started before 2002 and by analyzing keywords of research themes as well. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 13-16}; [#qc422478]
** 共通データ記述形式による材料情報の相互利用 &br; '''Sharing of materials information by common data description form''' &br; 芳須 弘, 山崎 政義, 原田 幸明, 藤田 充苗, 中田 毅 &br; Hiroshi YOSHIZU, Masayoshi YAMAZAKI, Kohemei HALADA, Mitsutane FUJITA and Takeshi NAKATA [#uc209db0]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 17-20}; [#z88ce13a]
** 情報資源共有におけるOAI-PMHの適用とその可能性 &br; '''Application of OAI-PMH to Information Resource Sharing''' &br; 宇陀 則彦, 吉丸 和孝 &br; Norihiko UDA and Kazutaka YOSHIMARU [#w05b33cd]

本研究は情報資源共有における「メタデータハーベステイングプロトコル(Open Archives InitiativeProtocol for Metadata Harvesting:OAI−PMH)」の適用とその可能性について論じる。OAI−PMHは分散化が進む学術分野における情報資源のメタデータをシステム間で共有するための技術基盤である。同プロトコルは相互運用性の補完を意図したフレームワークであり、メタデータを共有することにより相互の情報資源に対するアクセシビリティを確保する。本研究では、実際にOAI・PMHを用いてネットワーク上に公開された複数の情報資源のメタデータを収集し、横断検索するシステムを構築することで、情報資源共有への応用可能性について考察した。

This paper describes application of Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting: OAI-PMH to information resource sharing. OAI-PMH provides an application-independent interoperability framework to share metadata among information service systems. OAI-PMH allows users to have seamless access to the information resource on the Internet. In this study, an integrated information retrieval system of metadata which was harvested from other systems based on OAI-PMH was constructed.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 21-24}; [#ec294157]
** 資料情報活用のための支援システムの開発・研究 -考古資料情報を例として- &br; 関 雄二, 八重樫 純樹 &br; Yuji Seki, Junki Yaegashi [#m1fa5090]

In recent years, an information technology has been progressed. And our country is establishing to a highly information-oriented society. Then, the support system to information practical use is aimed to build for personal-use. However, in a meaning of making good use of material information, there are still many inadequate systems. Then, this paper considers the development technique and the state of the support system which surround material information by making into an example the database application system which supports archaeological data research. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 25-32}; [#t8ca75cc]
** 教育の質的改善を目的としたe−ラーニングの研究動向 &br; '''Trend of research in e-learning for the purpose of education quality improvement''' &br; 桑原 恒夫 &br; Tsuneo KUWABARA &br; 神奈川大学 理学部情報科学科 &br; Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science. Kanagawa University [#bfd5467a]

Abstract: There exist two types of e-Iearning systems. One of them aims to improve the education efficiency. Distance lecture system and WBT(Web Based Training) belong to this type. In these systems, interaction between educators and learners become lower than in the conventional classroom teaching. Therefore, these systems cannot improve the education qualities. The other aims to improve the education qualities. The e-learning systems in this type, which are newly developed, notify the educators of the learners' conditions in real-time and support educators' activities. One of these systems automatically lectures using WBT and notifies the educators of the stalled learners and their learning data (exercise answers and questions). Depend on these data, educators concentrate on the education to each stalled learner. Another system is used for the lecture for large number of learners. This system notifies an educator of the learners exercise advance in real-time. Depend on the data, the educator judges if he gives advises to the learners and if he explains the next item. The e-learning systems have another merit that educators can improve the education methods by analyzing the accumulated education log. As this field is on the way of development, future study is anticipated.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 33-36}; [#j54c249e]
** 特許文献からの医学用語階層関係の抽出 &br; '''Extraction of Medical Terms Hierachical Relationships in Patent Document''' &br; Daisuke ISHIKAWA, Takayuki MORIMOTO, Hidehiro ISHIZUKA, Norihiko UDA, Yuzuru FUJIWARA [#j9dc10ed]

A method in an innovation and effects caused by it are described in patent document. We regard the method-caused effect as casual relationship and consider it available to construct creativity support system, therefore we have extracted some casual relationships. In the future, we try integrating hirearchial relationships into casual relationships to construct function of analogical reasoning. Therefore, in this work, we extracted hierachical relationships from patent documents, especially selecting medical field as extracting target.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 37-40}; [#k8ceb53c]
** 専門語を含むデータ検索における辞書の有用性 -アジア歴史資料辞書その編纂作業から運用まで- &br; '''Usability of JACAR Dictionary for Historical Records Database Search From its Compilation to Application-''' &br; 牟田 昌平†, 小林 昭夫†† &br; Shohei Muta, Akio Kobayashi &br; †独立行政法人国立公文書館 アジア歴史資料センター, ††総合研究開発機構(NIRA)政策研究情報センター &br; Japan Center for Asian Historical Records,National Archives of Japan, Akio Kobayashi, National Institute for Research Advancement(NIRA) [#j2f25fa3]

Abstract: Free term searches is one of the most effective ways to search text data. However, it is difficult to search fore specialized texts such as historical official records, in which there are many specialized terms different from currently used. It is also difficult to compile a thesarus, which covers all diversified historical terms. This paper proposes one solution using a speacialized dictionary compiled for the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 42-44}; [#e9431faf]
** 階層構造を有する知識構造に対する仮想3次元表示の実行時間の計測 &br; '''Mesurement of Execution Time of Virtual 3D Visualization for a Lexical Knowledge Base with Hierarchical Structures''' &br; 湊辺 基広, 水越 大介, 後藤 智範 &br; 神奈川大学 理学部 [#kfcef661]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 45-48}; [#odd56c64]
** 考古資料情報のXML記述とその応用に関する事例研究 &br; '''Experimental Study of XML Description of Archeological Information and its Application to Web Data Base System''' &br; 小笠原 和慶, 八重樫 純樹 &br; Kazuyoshi Ogasahara, Jyunki Yaegashi &br; 静岡大学 大学院情報学研究科 [#rbf734dc]

This paper shows an example of converting XML from RDB data technique as archeological information. In addition. it shows the technique of developing Web-DB application that used XML as an example of application of the XML data.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 49-52}; [#p37191e2]
** 情報システム利用者におけるSmall World構造の検証 &br; '''Analysis of social network in campus computer system''' &br; 堀 幸雄, 米倉正和 &br; Yukio HORI, Yonekura MASAKAZU [#xeb4e710]


In this paper, we propose to extract the socail network of participants from the information system using their accounting records. We discuss the social network feature. In an enviroment of information system, it is desirable to provide a user with information depending on a user's situation, such as time, location, user behavior, and social context. Since such information was difficult to gain from system, it was rate to be used. We also discuss the analysis of social network in the campus computer system. 

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 53-56}; [#ube51d7c]
** 遺伝子の並び順から種の出現順序を推定する方法 &br; '''A Method for lnferring Species Branching-Orders based on Gene-Order Comparison'''  &br; 国沢 隆 &br; Takashi Kunisawa &br; 東京理科 大学理学部 &br; Sci. Univ. Tokyo [#e3d292a7]

The availability of complete genomic sequence data allows one to develop new methods of reconstructing phylogenetic trees. A simple method of reconstructing branching orders based on gene transposition (or lateral transfer) is presented. It is shown that specific gene arrangements on four different genomes could determine a branching order. A computer search for such gene arrangements was carried out against gene order data of the completely sequenced Gram-positive bacteria, and the results will be discussed.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 57-60}; [#sfc6432a]
** 花園村遠隔介護システムの構築 &br; '''Remote Home Care System in an Underpopulated Area''' &br; 宮本 浩伸†, 岡本 結宇††, 小脇 亮平††, 吉廣 卓哉††, 堀内 恵美子†††, 中川優†† &br; Hironobu Miyamoto, Yuu Okamoto, Ryohei Kowaki, Takuya Yoshihiro, Emiko Horiuchi, Maseru Nakagawa &br; †和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, ††和歌山大学システム工学部, †††和歌山県医科大学看護短期大学部 [#w9d07f74]

Abstract. We developed a remote aged care system for Hanazono village which is one of the typical underpopulated villages in Japan. In many of such depopulated villages, there is the problem that the number of visiting nurses who provide aged care services is not enough. As a result, visiting nurses can visit aged people not so often (it might be once a week or so), and hence aged people is easy to lose their health. To improve this situation, our system helps visiting nurses get hold of the health condition of aged people by showing the information of their daily health condition which is input everyday by aged people at their own houses. Here, to make a easy input operation even for aged people, we use L-mode terminals at each house and design easy-to-operate Web pages which are accessed by the terminal. We further performed a test operation of our system in Hanazono village and confirmed the effectiveness of our system.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(2), 61-66}; [#b19c93f5]
** 日本文学国際共同研究プロジェクトの中間研究報告 &br; '''An interim report on the project ICJS:International Collaboration for Japanese literary Studies''' &br; 安永 尚志 &br; Yasunaga Hisashi &br; 大学共同利用機関法人 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館,国立大学法人 総合研究大学院 大学文化科学研究科日本文学研究専攻 &br; National Institute of Japanese Literature and The Graduate University for Advanced Studies [#mb7fb901]

We have presented the concept and planning of the project ICJS: International Collaboration for Japanese literary Studies, in the 10th annual conference of JSIK held on 2002 in Tokyo. The project has been started from 2001 as the five-years program, founded by the Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research (S). In this presentation we will generally report on the interim result for three years, and particularly focus on the new collaboration system through feasibility experiments.
We are now in feasibility studies, an example of simultaneous searching using a Dublin Core meta-database system is shown as follows. The six databases are currently connected to the collaboration system at the NIJL: the microfilm resource directory (a catalog of the microfilm held at the Institute), the old Japanese book directory (a catalog of the manuscripts held at the Institute), the thesis directory (a directory of theses related to Japanese literary research), the historical material location directory (a directory of the places historical resources are held at the Institute), the image database (an image database of materials held at the Institute), and the moving picture database (performing arts video data).
Then, we have been making arrangements expand and develop enlarge the system to Inter-university or Institute common collaboration system. For example, we will construct among the Institute such as National Museum of Japanese History, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, National Museum of Ethnology, The Historiographical Institute University of Tokyo, Osaka City University and Kyoto University. At the next stage we will be connecting to Italy, France, U.K. U.S., etc.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 1-17}; [#fe7dd380]
** 分散環境におけるデータベースに関する情報の共有システム &br; '''An Information Sharing System for Databases in Distributed Enviroment''' &br; 江草 由佳, 高久 雅生, 石塚英弘 &br; Yuka EGUSA, Masao TAKAKU and Hidehiro ISHIZUKA [#f41e164f]


We have developed an information sharing system for database. Today, it is difficult to select appropriate databases which satisfy users' needs and to grasp available databases, because a lot of various databases are available. We classified information about databases into two categories. One is fundamental information which has enough information for users to select databases depending on their own needs. We designed 21 items as fundamental information and have developed the system where users are able to browse and add fundamental information. Another information is auxiliary information, which is comprised of users' know-how and/or grouping information from various viewpoints etc. In our system users are able to browse and add auxiliary information. We have used 3,614 records of databases in Japan, derived from Database Daicho Souran, as a sample data set of our system. The system allows users share information about databases, easily discover suitable databases and use them.


information about databases, fundamental information, auxiliary information, supporting selection of databases, information sharing, browsing system

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 18-34}; [#h18ba65c]
** 国内の医学研究者によるStructured Abstractsの認知と評価:アンケート調査からの結果 &br; '''Acceptance of Structured Abstracts by Medical Investigators: An Questionnaire Survey''' &br; 青木 仕, 小野寺 夏生 &br; Manabu AOKI and Natsuo ONODERA [#b0c688e0]

目的:Structured Abstractsの認知度やその利便性,国内学会誌への普及の見通しについて,医学研究者の見方を明らかにする.方法:我が国の医学研究者を対象にして,大項目6とその理由としての細項目24からなるアンケート調査を2003年6月に実施し,129名(有効回答率43%)から回答を得た.結果:Structured Abstractsは101名(78.3%)が認知しており,Structured Abstractsの読者としての利便性は96名(74.4%)が肯定していた.Structured Abstractsによる投稿経験の有無は,ある66名(51.2%)ない63名(48・8%)であった.Structured Abstractsの国内医学雑誌への普及の可能性は,79名(61.2%)が肯定していた.Structured Abstractsの有用性は,基礎系研究者に比べ臨床系研究者の方が評価は高く,Structured Abstractsでの投稿経験がない研究者に比べ投稿経験がある研究者の方がより評価が高かった.結論:Structured Abstractsの利便性が確認され,今後国内医学雑誌への普及が予測された. 

Objectives: To elucidate the medical investigators' view on the recognition of structured abstracts, their advantages, and their adoption by medical journals published by Japanese societies. Method: A questionnaire consisting of 6 major items and 24 minor items was sent to medical investigators in Japan in June 2003, and the replies came from 129 of them (valid reply rate:43%). Statistical tests were used to compare the view on structured abstracts among different groups in the responders. Results: Of the 129 responders, 101(78.3%) knew structured abstracts,and 96(74.4%) accepted affirmatively them as their readers. Sixty-six(51.2%) replied that they themselves had ever submitted using a structured abstract. Adoption of structured abstracts by Japanese medical journals was expected to spread by 79 respondents (61.2%). The usefulness of structured abstracts was more highly perceived by investigators in clinical research than by those structured abstracts than those who never had. Conclusion: A preference for structured abstracts over traditional ones was confirmed by Japanese medical investigators. Structured abstracts are expected to become increasingly adopted by medical journals in Japan.


Structured Abstracts, questionnaire survey, evaluation, Medical Investigators

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 35-43}; [#wa0a0134]
** 日本のアーカイブズ管理におけるEAD・EAC -XMLによる実践の可能性- &br; '''A State of EAD and EAC on the Management of Archives in Japan:The Possibilities of the Practices by the XML''' &br; 五島 敏芳 &br; Haruyoshi GOTO [#od1397bf]

 アーカイブズ(記録史料)の電子的検索手段(目録,索引等)のデファクト国際規格EAD,Encoded Archival Description(符号化記録史料記述)およびEAC, Encoded Archival Context(符号化記録史料脈絡)が,日本の記録史料に対して適用実験されるまでの道程を概観し,XMLの利用から考えられる可能性を展望する.EADやEACに沿って構築された記録史料の情報は,XMLの諸技術の利用から,たんなる検索手投ではなく再利用可能な電子的記録史料記述という基本情報源として位置づけられるはずである.

Now, EAD, Encoded Archival Description and EAC, Encoded Archival Context are known as de-facto International Standard of archival electronic finding aids. This article surveys the path to application experiments of EAD and EAC for the Japanese archives. And it shows the possibility of EAD and EAC that the use of XML clarifies. As a result, we will realize the following: The archival data constructed along EAD/EAC function as not only the finding aids but also basic information resources or "real" archival descriptions. Those data will be variously reused with the aid of elemenatary XML technology.

キーワード:EAD,EAC,XML,記録史料記述, 記録史料管理, 記録史料目録

EAD,EAC,XML,archival description, management of archives. archival finding aids

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 44-49}; [#w81aa7d4]
** 平安・鎌倉時代を対象とした僧侶データベースシステム:概要とその後の展開 &br; '''Database System of Priests in Heian and Kamakura Periods: Summary and a Subsequent Activity''' &br; 田中 猛彦, 冨金原 賢次, 宇都宮 啓吾, 中川 優 &br; Takehiko TANAKA, Kenji FUKIMBARA, Keigo UTSUNOMIYA and Maseru NAKAGAWA [#e3d74465]


We present an outline of our developing database system of priests in Heian and Kamakura Periods, and then, we report an activity over the last year in which we attempt to display the genealogical tables using SVG. In developing the database system, we have focused on (1)how to register and retrieve literature information, (2)how to register and retrieve person information, (3)how to find and display the human relationship between two persons, and (4)how to make up genealogical trees. By using this system, the researchers can register, search, and browse the records efficiently, while they will find novel displayed genealogical tables have some problems and limitations due to the implementation with Java. To make the tables easy to read and use, we consider and partially implement the visualization system with SVG. We attempt to realize the representation of Chinese characters by embedding the glyph data in the generated SVG files. 

キーワード:人文データベース, データベース構築法,系図,SVG,文字表示

database for humanities researcher, database construction method, genealogical tree, SVG, character representation

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 50-54}; [#c7c86c01]
** 素因数分解を対象とした分散並列処理におけるオブジェクト持続化の実験 &br; '''Experiment on Object Persistency in Distributed Parallel Processing for Prime Factorization''' &br; 鶴沢 偉伸, 飯村 伊智郎, 中山 茂 &br; Hidenobu TSURUSAWA, Ichiro IIMURA and Shigeru NAKAYAMA [#dea9cafb]


prime factorization, distributed parallel processing, object-shared space(OSS), object relational database(ORDB)

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(3), 55-63}; [#ee41c5d6]
** 用語の由来 -船舶編- &br; '''Origins of Terms -Ship-''' &br; 後藤 大三 &br; Daizo GOTO [#le3b794b]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 1-16}; [#ef2c77f9]
** XMLの今日的意義 -ボーダレス社会における真の電子自治体実現に向けての一考察- &br; 長村 玄 &br; Gen NAGAMURA [#e6f0aec0]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 17-24}; [#fa852c78]
** 総務省におけるXMLの取組 平成16年10月30日 &br; 高島 史郎 &br; 総務省 自治行政局地域情報政策室 [#w7383042]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 25-32}; [#bd75752e]
** コンテンツ主導の電子自治体化 &br; 西村 健 &br; 株式会社ドキュメント・エンジニアリング研究所 [#i7ffdb87]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 33-39}; [#e771da74]
** 議会資料のXML化実証試験 &br; 渡辺 政勝, 堀 静, 水野 久伸 &br; 壮光舎印刷(株) [#l56c223e]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 40-51}; [#kcf3ea7a]
** 広聴広報業務におけるWebサイト活用によるコミュニケーション &br; 丸山 孝 &br; 山梨県 企画部広聴広報課 [#o5f8bd61]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 52-63}; [#hcf304db]
** バリアフリー化とWeb構築の基礎技術 -XHTML1.1- &br; 内藤 治生 &br; 株式会社 エーティーエル システムズ [#va0f6ce0]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 64-71}; [#tb147899]
** アーカイブズにおけるXML化 -組織体の知識管理の背景として- &br; '''XML at Archives in Japan:the background of the knowledge management''' &br; 五島 敏芳 &br; Haruyoshi GOTOH [#o7495772]


This article considers the using or XML at the archives in Japan. It also insists on the following: If information or records are managed electronic in an organization, the using of XML at the archives will control the using of XML at the organization; If the records management and the archival management are consecutive, the archives will be used for the knowledge management at the organization.

キーワード:アーカイブズ, XML, 記録管理, 組織体経営, 記録史料管理, 記録史料目録

archives, XML, record management, administration of organization, management of archives, archival finding aids

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 72-80}; [#b90dc1bb]
** 電子自治体に向けた情報交換プラットフォーム &br; '''Information exchange platform among citizens and municipal governments''' &br; 曽根原 士郎 &br; Shiro Sonehara &br; Research Development&Incubation Division,KOKUYO CO.,LTD. [#jd7a9a0f]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 81-88}; [#cba590b0]
** 電子自治体に期待すること(神奈川県の状況から) &br; 三科 清高 &br; 神奈川県 企画部情報システム課 [#p1ac5e88]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 89-104}; [#i5811fa5]
** 階層構造を有する複数縮尺地図ベクトルデータの一元的管理方式に関する検討 &br; '''Consideration on a Unifed Managing Method for Multiple Scale Vectorized Map Datausing Hierarchical Structure''' &br; 飯村 伊智郎, 加藤 誠巳, 中山 茂, 倉川 新也  &br; Ichiro IIMURA, Masami KATO, Shigeru NAKAYAMA and Shinya KURAKAWA [#xd6c9edf]

The authors have studied a method to unify and manage multiple scale vectorized map data using hierarchical structure.The method manages vectorized map data by tree structure,easily extracts only necessary data according to a reduced scale of a map, which should be displayed, and draws it. The features of the proposed method are that it draw vector data more quickly than a method of always drawing all data regardless of the reduced scale,and that the total amount of data is less than that of the method which independent data is prepared beforehand at each reduced scale. Moreover, the proposed method is quite effective in reducing the capacity of HD(disk storage device)required to store all the vector data consiting of a large number of hierarchies, that is,a lot of kinds reduced scales. It is effective to navigation systems etc. which use Web communication. This paper describes the proposed method and its data structure,moreover it clarifies the feature of the proposed method by applying the proposed method to coastline data of the Japan Islands and evaluating the experimental results.


unified managing method, vector data, hierarchical structure,tree structure, intelligent transport systems(ITS)

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 105-118}; [#e9e49522]
** 特許文献における因果関係の抽出と統合 &br; '''Extraction and Integration of Causal Relationships in Patent Documents''' &br; 石川 大介, 石塚 英弘, 宇陀 則彦, 藤原 譲 &br; Daisuke ISHIKAWA, Hidehiro ISHIZUKA, Norihiko UDA and Yuzuru FUJIWARA [#jf234006]


A method is an innovation and its effects are described in a patent document. This "method-caused effect" is a sort of causal relationship. Therefore we tried to extract some causal relationships from patent documents in fiber engineering using phrase-pattern matching and term list. We obtained some causal relationships between compound and its property. We also attempted to structure knowledge extracted from the causal relationships.


patent documents,causal relationship,extraction,fiber engineering, text mining

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2004, 14(4), 119-136}; [#kd46fb27]
** ホップフィールドニューラルネットワークによる定性推論知識発見 &br; '''Knowledge Discovery by Hopfield Network''' &br; ソンケオ タナコン, 山下 安雄 &br; Thanakorn SORNKAEW and Yasuo YAMASHITA [#r0d2b0c6]
 本論文では,ホップフィールドニューラルネットワークを用いて経験的データから定性推論知識を発見する手法を提案する. 本手法は,4つのステップから成り立つ.まず,ヒストグラムの分析により,ファジーメンバーシップ関数の言語的変数を定義する.次に,ホップフィールドニューラルネットワークの重みを計算する.そして,ホップフィールドニューラルネットワークの状態は安定になるまで非同期的に変化する.最後に,提案する抽出アルゴリズムにより,定性推論知識を抽出することができる.本手法の有効性を3種類のデータを用いた実験により確認した.

In this paper, a new method for inducing symbolic knowledge from empirical data is proposed. This method consists of four steps. Firstly,linguistic variables of fuzzy membership functions are simply defined using an analysis of histograms. Secondly,weights of the Hopfield network are calculated. Thirdly, the states of the Hopfield network are asynchronously updated until these states remain unchanged. In the fourth step, rules are extracted via our proposed algorithm. The experiments in three data sets show good performance.


Keywords:Hopfield network, Symbolic knowledge, membership function, fuzzy, rule extraction

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