#title(情報知識学会誌, Vol.16)

* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 16 [#y46650d6]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 1-14}; [#we7bd961]
** 不適合情報を利用した情報検索手法の評価 &br; '''Evaluation of an Information Retrieval Method using Non-Relevancy Information''' &br; 松村 敦, 宇陀 則彦 &br; Atsushi MATSUMURA and Norihiko UDA &br; 筑波大学大学院 図書館情報メディア研究科 &br; Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba [#e6efbb0e]

利用者が検索システムに投入する問合せの背後には複雑な検索要求が存在する.この情報を利用できないことが検索精度の低下を招く原因の1つである.本研究では, 自然文で表現された検索要求のうち不適合条件に着目し, これを係受け解析といくつかのルールを用いて構造化し, この構造を検索に反映させる手法を提案する.情報検索システム評価用テストコレクションNTCIR-2を用いて評価実験を行なったところ, 初期検索が単語1, 2個程度の比較的短い検索質問の場合には, 本手法の検索精度はRocchio型の適合フィードバック手法と同等であることが示された.

Complex information needs are hidden in every query that is used to retrieve information requested by users. The non-availability of these complex information needs decreases the accuracy of information retrieval systems. Our proposed retrieval method uses non-relevancy information to clarify users' complex information needs. In our method, the non-relevancy information, which is represented by natural language sentences, is first structured using dependency analysis and heuristics. Next, the structured non-relevancy information is translated into a structured query and then used to score and rank the documents retrieved. Retrieval experiments using the NTCIR-2 test collection for information retrieval systems have shown that our method is equivalent to Rocchio's automatic relevance feedback method, when the initial query consists of only a few words.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 15-27}; [#e00de812]
** 主成分分析と3次元スキャナによる指文字認識 &br; '''Human Recognition with Ear Image by Principal Component Analysis''' &br; 王 宇, 板井 聖治, 小野 智司, 中山 茂 &br; Yu WANG, Seiji ITAI, Satoshi ONO and Shigeru NAKAYAMA &br; 鹿児島大学工学部情報工学科 &br; Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University [#h1d8e7cf]

3次元スキャナを用いて日本語五十音指文字を認識する方式を提案する.データグローブなどのデバイスの装着を必要としないジェスチャや指文字の認識方式は快適で負担が少ないものの, カメラから得られる2次元画像のみでは, 類似した形状の指文字の識別が困難である.本稿で提案する方式は, 精度と速度を両立した認識を行うために, 3次元スキャナから得られる距離画像に対して主成分分析を行う.10名の被験者による評価実験を行い, 提案する方式が, 従来の方式と同程度の精度を保ちつつ, 認識速度を大幅に改善し, 10ミリ秒程度で指文字を認識できることを確認した.

This paper proposes a method for Japanese finger character recognition using 3-dimensional (3D) scanner. Although methods for gesture or finger character recognition without wearable devices, like data gloves, are convenient and stressless, Japanese finger characters involve characters which have similar shapes and cannot be distinguished by them, because most of them recognizes the characters by 2-dimensional images. The proposed method uses distance images obtained by using 3D scanner and principal component analysis in order to recognize the input character accurately and efficiently. Experimental results with 10 testees have showed that the proposed method recognized finger characters within about 10 milliseconds, a significantly improvement in comparison with an existing method, while the recognition accuracy was kept almost equivalent to the existing method.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 28-38}; [#r0f8b778]
** イネのトランスポゾンディスプレイ解析のためのデータベースシステム &br; '''A Database System for High-Throughput Transposon Display Analyses of Rice''' &br; 井上 悦子†, 吉廣 卓哉††, 川路 英哉†††, 堀端 章‡, 中川 優† &br; Etsuko INOUE, Takuya YOSHIHIRO, Hideya KAWAJI, Akira HORIBATA and Masaru NAKAGAWA &br; † 和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, †† 和歌山大学システム工学部, ††† NTTソフトウェア, ‡ 近畿大学生物理工学部 &br; Graduate School of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, NTT Software Corporation, Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University [#bd4eaf60]

本研究では, トランスポゾンを用いた遺伝子型と表現型との相関解析を支援するデータベースシステムを構築し, イネのトランスポゾンmPingを利用した実験に適用し評価した.我々は, mPingを利用して大規模なイネの変異体シリーズを作成し, 遺伝子型と表現型との関係を解析することで遺伝子機能の推定を目指している.しかし, 実験結果から変異の発見作業に多大な労力がかかることが, 実験規模を拡大する上でのボトルネックの一つであった.本システムでは, 実験で得られる全データをデータベースに格納し, 実験結果から変異を発見後, 表現型との相関を解析するまでの効率的なインタフェースを提供する.本システムをmPingを利用した実験に適用した結果, 波形データの重ね合わせや変異箇所候補の自動検出などの効果で, 作業時間を従来の数分の一程度に短縮できた.本システムにより, ハイスループットに大規模な実験や解析を行うことが可能となる.

We developed a database system to support whole experiments which analyze correlation between genotypes and phenotypes by using transposons. We also evaluated the system by applying to our experiments with transposon mPing in rice. Our research group grow large-scale mutant series of rice by taking advantage of mPings, and study correlation between genotypes and phenotypes for predictions of gene functions. However, the analytical phase, in which we find mutation spots from waveform data, involves several problems from a viewpoint of labor amount, and it becomes one of bottlenecks in large-scale experiments. As a solution, our database system manages all the analytical data throughout the experiments, and provides interfaces to perform overall analyses by detecting mutation spots and analyzing correlation between the spots and traits. In order to evaluate the system, we apply to experiments with mPing in rice, and confirmed that our system works effective to reduce the analytical labor by several times. This system realizes high-throughput transposon display analyses in large scale.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 39-43}; [#yb40e9d8]
** 宇部興産(株)におけるエンドユーザー教育:営業部門に対する知的財産情報教育の試み &br; '''End User Education at Ube Industries, Ltd. : Trial Education of Intellectual Property Information for Business Section''' &br; 出口 昌信, 岡本 和彦 &br; Masanobu DEGUCHI and Kazuhiko OKAMOTO &br; 宇部興産(株)研究開発本部知的財産部 &br; Intellectual Property Department, Corporate Research & Development Ube Industries, Ltd. [#va8904e7]

宇部興産(株)のグループ企業全体に対する知的財産情報教育の一環として, 日本特許情報については, エンドユーザー向け特許情報検索システムをグループ企業内で広く普及させ, 利用している.これまでの, 知的財産情報教育は, 研究者, 技術者へのエンドユーザー教育を主体に行って来たが, 研究者, 技術者の営業部門への異動などに伴い, 営業部門でもエンドユーザー向け日本特許情報データベースを利用, 活用することが増えている.これらの諸事情を踏まえて, 同社で初めての試みとして, 東京本社の営業部門において, 知的財産情報教育を実施した.具体的には, 特許庁IPDL, エンドユーザー向け特許情報検索システムであるNRIサイバーパテントの効果的利用方法を主体に教育を行った.

We propagate use of Japanese patent information retrieval system for an End User to Ube Industries and its group companies. Also, intellectual property information education for End User, such as researcher, engineer has been done. But recently, some parts of such End Users are transferred to the sales department of Tokyo head office. Gradually, the needs of Japanese patent information database are increased in sales department. Thinking of all these things, we carried out intellectual property information education as the first trial or the case study in sales department of the Tokyo head office. We educate effective usage of the NRI cyber patent and IPDL of Japan Patent Office, both of them are Japanese patent information retrieval system that designed for End Users.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 44-51}; [#y2cd5013]
** 山口TLOに対する知的財産情報教育支援:産学連携における試み &br; '''Support of Intellectual Property Information Education for Yamaguchi TLO : Trial for academia industry cooperation''' &br; 岡本 和彦, 出口 昌信 &br; Kazuhiko OKAMOTO and Masanobu DEGUCHI &br; 宇部興産(株)研究開発本部知的財産部 &br; Intellectual Property Department, Corporate Research & Development Ube Industries, Ltd. [#i1af3d38]

山口大学と宇部興産(株)の包括連携協定締結に基づき, 産学連携活動の一環として, 山口TLOに対する知的財産情報教育支援を行った.特許庁IPDL, NRIサイバーパテントを利用しての情報検索教育に加えて, 以下の教育を行った.1.知的財産情報入門(特許情報の種類, 特許公報の読み方等の基礎知識)2.研究開発における特許調査の考え方(知的財産戦略)3.最終日の理解度テスト;実技試験(これにより, 特許情報検索における, 各受講者の取り組み方, 考え方を見ることができた.)受講生が理解し難かったところとしては, (1)特許制度, (2)特許関連専門用語, (2) IPC(国際特許分類)の, 3点が挙げられた.OJT教育受講生はこの後, 調査結果のパテントマップ化, 解析を行った.

Based on Yamaguchi University and the inclusion cooperation agreement conclusion of Ube Industries, Ltd., We helped intellectual property information education for Yamaguchi TLO as a part of academia industry cooperation. As well as information retrieval education that we used Japan Patent Office IPDL, NRI cyber patent, I educated the following. 1. An introduction to intellectual property information (a kind of patent information, basics knowledge such as how to read patent bulletin) 2. A way of thinking (an intellectual property strategy) of patent investigation in research and development 3. An understanding degree test of a last day; A practical skill examination (each this, student attending a lecture in patent information retrieval) According to the results of questionnaire, it is difficult for students to understand IPC (international patent classification), patent system, technical terms of patent.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 52-59}; [#nef8e57e]
** 生物遺伝資源総合データベース構築におけるXML技術適用について &br; '''The Application of XML Technology in Genetic Resource Database''' &br; 山川 武廣, 山崎 由紀子 &br; Takehiro YAMAKAWA and Yukiko YAMAZAKI &br; 国立遺伝学研究所 &br; National Institute of Genetics [#va32fa86]

国立遺伝学研究所・生物遺伝資源情報総合センターでは, 国内における様々な生物の遺伝資源情報に関してデータベース化を行っており, これまでに動物から植物, 微生物に至るおよそ20生物種のデータベースを構築している.最近はこうした生物種毎のデータベースを利用するだけではなく, これらの情報を種横断的に利用したいという要望が寄せられるようになった.そこで昨年より生物遺伝資源総合データベース(バイオリソースワールド)の開発を開始し, 現在試験運用を行っている.本稿では, 「多様性」という特徴をもつバイオ分野の情報を統合的に扱う上で, XML技術をどのように適用したのか, そしてその適用効果について解説する.

Here at the Center for Genetic Resource Information in the National Institute of Genetics, we have constructed genetic resource databases of approximately 20 species of organisms from animals, plants to microorganisms. Lately, instead of databases designed specifically for one particular organism, there is a demand for integrated databases where data can be utilized regardless of species. Thus, we started to develop an integrated database of genetic resources (BioResource World) which is now released as a test version. This paper explains how XML Technology was applied to handle integrated data in the biotechnology field which is characteristically diversified and the effects of its application.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 60-67}; [#j866ad10]
** 我が国における情報学の始まり &br; '''The Dawn of Informatics in Japan''' &br; 藤原 鎮男 &br; Shizuo FUJIWARA [#y79abb77]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 1-6}; [#p13158d5]
** 科学研究費データベースによる採択と研究成果のパターン分析 &br; '''A Pattern analysis of award of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research with Research Outputs''' &br; 西澤 正己†, 根岸 正光†, 柴山 盛生†, 孫 媛†, 渡邊 恵子†, 野村 浩康††, 光田 好孝†††, 前田 正史†††,  &br; NISHIZAWA Masaki, NEGISHI Masamitsu, SHIBAYAMA Morio, SUN Yuan, Keiko WATANABE , NOMURA Hiroyasu, MITSUDA Yoshitaka, MAEDA Masashi &br; †国立情報学研究所, ††東京電機大学, †††東大・生研 &br; National Institute of Informatics [#fbaba0f9]


The system of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan is one of the oldest ones, which is the funding system for researchers belonging to universities and institutes in Japan. We report the adoption patterns of the Grant-in-Aid from 1985 to 2002 about the researchers who were awarded the large-scale funds in recent years. Moreover, we mention about the correlation between adoption pattern and research output pattern experimentally.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 7-12}; [#v3d9effb]
** 日本の大学と企業の研究リンケージ:-NCR-JとCJPデータベースによる比較 &br; '''Research Linkage between University and Industry in Japan --- Comparison based on NCR-J and CJP databases''' &br; 孫 媛, 根岸 正光, 西澤 正己, 渡辺 恵子 &br; Yuan SUN, Masamitsu NEGISHI, Masaki NISHIZAWA, Keiko WATANABE &br; 国立情報学研究所 &br; National Institute of Informatics [#df3a876f]

Nowadays university-industry collaboration is highly promoted in various areas by various ways. In this study we try to evaluate university-industry linkage objectively through analysis of co-authorship of academic publications. To assess the university-industry collaborative activity comprehensively, we choose to use the National Citation Report for Japan (NCR-J) of Thomson Scientific, and Citation Database for Japanese Papers (CJP) of NII as well, to investigate and discuss the situation, trends and characteristics of Japanese university-industry linkages from both international and national perspective.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 13-18}; [#f1f71489]
** ISIデータベースにおける発表論文数、被引用回数に基づく「大学ランキング」作成の方法と問題点 &br; '''Formulating methods of university rankings by publication and citation statistics in ISI's citation databases, and some related problems''' &br; 根岸 正光 &br; Masamitsu NEGISHI &br; 国立情報学研究所 &br; National Institute of Informatics [#ff3ec17e]

Since 2001 the author has been compiling university rankings for "The University Rankings," an annual publication by the Asahi Shimbun Company, based on statistical surveys on the ISI citation databases of Thomson Scientific. In this report, the historical developments in these 6 years are reviewed, and a new method of calculating number of papers and citations introduced for the 2006 edition is described with some related problems which are involved in these bibliometric statistics.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 19-22}; [#n806fe99]
** 最適解の付与に基づく重み付けの自動変更 &br; '''Assigning kansei keywords automatically based on the optimal keywords which experts assigned''' &br; 原田 隆史 &br; Takashi HARADA &br; 慶應義塾大学文学部 &br; School of Library and Information Science, Keio University [#recb5d3a]

In recent years, some novel retrieval systems which use kansei keywords have been developed. We have developed the retrieval system that 11432 children's books can be searched for by the kansei keywords picked up from online book reviews. The system was evaluated by school librarians who found that the system was useful for the education of children. In order to improve the system to the level of practical use, to add kansei keywords is necessary, few experts, however, can deal with kansei keywords. The purpose of this rsearch is to examine the methods of adding kansei keywords automatically based on the keywords which experts added. In case the words are in common with the words in the book review the experts added the kansei keywords, the same kansei keywords are added the book.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 23-28}; [#p00d72b5]
** 新たな文脈を生成するディジタルコンテンツ構成法 &br; '''A Method of Reconstruction of Digital Contents''' &br; 宇陀 則彦, 松村 敦, 村田 典子 &br; Norihiko UDA, Atsushi MATSUMURA and Noriko MURATA &br; 筑波大学大学院 図書館情報メディア研究科 [#j1593c7b]

This paper describes a method of reconstruction of digital contents. Recently, a lot of libraries and museums digitize documents or objects, and construct digital archival systems. However, most of them do not make an advantage of digital contents. We take context of annuals of Asian affairs to pieces, and rearrange the pieces by relating same subject between headlines and texts. As a result, we showed the method generated new contexts which the documents have originally.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 29-32}; [#k4c71562]
** 問題解決を目的としたWWW情報探索行動の特徴 &br; '''Features of information seeking behaviors on the WWW for problem solving''' &br; 相良 佳弘 &br; Yoshihiro SAGARA &br; 聖徳大学 &br; Seitoku University [#k735e640]

Information seeking behavior on the WWW attract public attention as the WWW contents came to be used widely as means for problem solving. The object of this study was to investigate features of information seeking behaviors on the WWW for problem solving. Ten subjects were college woman, and they had the problem of job hunting. Findings indicated that the WWW users had a tendency to pick up relevant pages from plenty of search results which were retrieved by simple query, and to value the pages from the search engines.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 33-38}; [#q2147946]
** ユーザの検索要求に基づいた興味関心の定量的評価 &br; '''Quantified Estimation Method of User's Profile based on Search Query''' &br; †堀 幸雄, ††中山 堯 &br; Yukio HORI, Takashi NAKAYAMA &br; †香川大学 情報基盤センター, ††神奈川大学理学部 &br; Information Technology Center, Kagawa University, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University [#ae7dc6ac]

Users' personal information interests is an important for developing more personally adaptive system to search and to collect information increased. Recently, user profiling system has been used in several research system. However, evaluation approach of these systems was lack of empirical investigation using users' explicit desire. In this paper, we show the evaluation method for user profile using users' search queries as explicit desire. After the experiment, we could confirm the effectiveness of the method.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 39-44}; [#n355239c]
** Web上における『法政経済社会論文総覧』の検索閲覧システムの構築 &br; '''The Construction of Web-version Information Retrieval System on the Database of "Housei Keizai Shakai Ronbun Souran"''' &br; 古隅 弘樹, 周防 節雄 &br; Hiroki FURUZUMI,Setsuo SUOH &br; 兵庫県立大学神戸学園都市学術情報館 &br; Academic Information Systems Centre, Kobe Gakuentoshi Campus, University of Hyogo [#v8618d27]

"Housei Keizai Shakai Ronbun Souran" (Catalogue of Academic Papers on Law, Politics, Economics and Sociology) and its additional version edited by Keitaro Amano were published in 1927 and in 1928 respectively. They cover collection of indexes of important academic papers and articles on law, politics, economics and sociology published in academic journals and books during the period from the Meiji Restoration until Showa 2^<nd> year, and they still remain one of main, important sources of information for surveying old documents of those days. We have been working on the construction of web-version information retrieval system on the database of the two indexes, the whole text information of which has been converted into XML style. Our system is now released on our website. In the present paper we describe how our system has been developed and how it can be used.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 45-48}; [#f6e97a1a]
** 科学技術文献検索システムにおける大規模用語辞書の活用について &br; '''Use of a large-scale dictionary on a scientific and technological document retrieval system''' &br; †甲田 彰, ††森田 歌子 &br; Akira KODA, Utako MORITA &br; †科学技術振興機構 情報提供部, ††科学技術振興機構 [#cc039756]

We, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) started to provide JDreamII since April 1st, 2006. It is a new document retrieval system that is integrated with JOIS that JST had provided since 1976. This system has a large-scale scientific and technological dictionary to support users' advanced search. In this report, I describe the way to support advanced search by this dictionary and the future enhance, too.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 49-52}; [#r4183896]
** ミュージアム資料情報構造化モデル応用の検討 &br; '''Examination of application of Structured Model for Museum Object Information''' &br; 斎藤 伸雄 &br; Nobuo Saito &br; 凸版印刷株式会社 総合研究所 &br; Corporate R&D Division, TOPPAN Printing Co.,Ltd. [#rd7633c5]


"Structured Model for Museum Object Information" was settled on by the group that centered on Tokyo National Museum aiming at sharing information between museums and work support. Then, the goods management system was made for trial purposes by applying this model, and the system adaptability of the model was examined. It introduces "Structured Model for Museum Object Information", and it reports on the examination concerning this model's application to the system.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 53-58}; [#kd22a07c]
** 脳の情報処理と問題解決 &br; '''Information Processing of Brain and Problem Solving''' &br; 福永 征夫 &br; Masao FUKUNAGA [#x34598e4]

To recover the damaged environment and ecosystem of the earth, we should search and discover broader domain knowledge which is common among different domain knowledges, and through it, we should maintain continuity between every diverse activities of human beings to live, that is, we have to let those activities not be inconsistent with each other to economize the amount of resource and energy. The characteristic of brain's information processing function is maintaining continual understanding and practice to the living environment by the process to realize concurrent optimization of each part and the whole between plural diverse and different domain knowledges in order to discover common broader domain knowledge to put it into practice.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 59-62}; [#r0ecf6c1]
** インターネットを利用した遠隔健康管理システムの試み &br; '''Healthcare Supporting Systems over the Internet''' &br; †里村 宏章, ††田中 猛彦, ††吉廣 卓哉, ††中川 優 &br; Hiroaki Satomura, Takehiko Tanaka, Takuya Yoshihiro, Masaru Nakagawa &br; †和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, ††和歌山大学システム工学部 &br;  Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University [#df8ddbaf]

We have constructed the healthcare supporting systems for aged people, for patients with diabetes, and for pediatric patients and their families. In these systems, the people in need of nursing care actively and regularly send the healthcare data while the medical personnel view them to make use of subsequent medical services or nursing cares. The architecture is almost common to these systems in the sense that there exists a web and database server together with Internet-enable devices. However, since the data in the databases and to be exchanged were entirely difficult, the systems have been designed, implemented and maintained separately. In this paper, we review the features of the systems, and discuss the united, versatile database system for remote healthcare support.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 63-68}; [#b9fc697f]
** テキスト入力によるキーストロークダイナミックス &br; '''Keystroke Dynamics in Text Typing''' &br; †佐村 敏治, ††西村 治彦 &br; Toshiharu SAMURA, Haruhiko NISHIMURA &br; †明石工業高等専門学校 電気情報工学科, ††兵庫県立大学 大学院応用情報科学研究科 &br; Electrical and Computer Engineering, Akashi National College of Technology, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo [#ub3c20ff]

Biometrics is classified into verification and identification. A lot of researchers of the keystroke dynamics have treated the verification which is used for the user login, based on the assumption that people each type in uniquely characteristic manner. However, its error rate is large compared with other verifications, for instance, by the fingerprint and the retina. In this research, we pay attention to the identification and investigate several characteristics of English text typing on the keystroke dynamics. As an efficient measure, time-interval between press and release of the key (p-r time) is extracted, by which a personal fluctuation of keystroke data is minimized. Experimental results show that the proposed methods on the personal fluctuation are considerably promising.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 69-74}; [#m753554d]
** 建築とドキュメントについての考察 &br; '''A Study of relations of the architecture and the document''' &br; 山本 隆彦 &br; Takahiko Yamamoto [#s6f95a48]

The problem of killer condo (fake quake-resistance condominium) struck close to home to an architectural industry and real estate agents. Various reports and proposals were made public to this problem. Now, a concrete improvement idea is discussed as a prevention plan. However, the content to refer the document of architectural information is few. In this paper, the current state of an architectural industry and the real estate agents that doesn't try to leave the document positively is described. In addition, it is described that the existence of the document and the establishment of the traceability control this problem.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 75-80}; [#hbac865e]
** 歴史から洞察される判断基準としての観点 &br; '''A view point as a criterion of judgment seen into from our history''' &br; 安平 哲太郎 &br; 佐脇 政隆 &br; Tetsutaro Yasuhira &br; Masataka Sawaki &br; 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所:技術情報部門 &br; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology:Office of Technology Information [#yaf6ba93]

Our object that we see into the future of our society is to measure the distance between the future society and the present condition and create things necessary for leading to the future. Therefore the future society seen into must be inevitable, that is, if we want to exist, we must head for it, able to be co-existent and have a high regard for the self-determination right that the people in the future can construct their society. Such the future society is described as view points which are effective as a criterion of judgment when selecting measures necessary for co-existence. Such view points appear as the direction in which we must resolve the social problem or which is indicated explicitly by the social insight which means part of people in our society exhibit their insight regardless of notables or not. A view point which works daily in the future as a criterion of judgment is a fusion of view points which have continued since social problems and insights and we call it a view point as a criterion of judgment in the future seen into from our history because our history just consists of social problems and insights arranged on line of time. Moreover we describe how to see into these view points from our history. Finally we propose the system that a citizen can see into a view point in the future from our history, inspect it during a free and voluntary daily life and recognize it in common in our society.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 81-86}; [#h3cc96b5]
** 熊本県医師家塾調明治6年による医療教育と使用教科書(35事例) &br; '''Training Curriculum and Textbook for Medical Doctor on Apprenticeship on 35 Cases in Kumamoto Prefecture 1873.''' &br; 安澤 秀一 &br; Shuichi YASUZAWA &br; 元国文学研究資料館(アーカイブズ研究系) &br; Institute of Japanese Literature(Division of Historical Archival Study) [#r8112c64]


At 1873 DAIJYOUKAN (Meiji Cabinet) and Minister of Education, declared to each local governments an investigation about Training for Medical Doctor. SHIRAKAWA (KUMAMOTO) prefecture as local government receive the Report of 35 cases, 12 person in Town of Kumamoto, and 23 person at counties. This article is the result of analysis for the Reports, include status, age, administration rule, fee, medical subjects, and textbooks

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(2), 87}; [#k3784f2e]
** 追悼の辞(初代会長・米田幸夫先生ご逝去) &br; Prof. Yukio YONEDA [#vd94299c]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 1-3}; [#d8f6c7c9]
** 学会活動のさらなる活性化に向けて &br; 細野 公男 &br; Kimio HOSONO &br; 情報知識学会 [#ia9ab228]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 4-13}; [#s010e0f0]
** 工学倫理と情報知識学 &br; '''Engineering Ethics and the Information and Knowledge Sciences''' &br; 石原 孝二, 藤本 良伺 &br; Kohji ISHIHARA and Ryoji FUJIMOTO &br; 北海道大学創成科学共同研究機構:大学院文学研究科 &br; '''Creative Research Initiative "Sousei":Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University''' [#oae512d2]


This paper aims at discussing engineering ethics from the perspective of the relationship between professional ethics and engineering ethics. Moreover, we will try to discuss the possibility of the application of engineering ethics to the information and knowledge sciences. Code of ethics, which plays a critical role in engineering ethics, is composed of two parts-norms common to engineering and norms specific to each field of technology. Therefore, if we want to apply engineering ethics to the information and knowledge sciences, we should take steps to specify the range of the field and clarify the norms in the field. In this paper, we will suggest norms specific to the information and knowledge sciences by conducting a case study to clarify the ethical problems in the technology of information filtering.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 14-23}; [#qa8bf497]
** 工学教育における新しい取り組みと技術者倫理 &br; New Approaches in Engineering Education and Their Relation with Engineering Ethics &br; 調 麻佐志 &br; Masashi SHIRABE &br; 東京農工大学 &br; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology [#v2e1f6e9]


Based upon the concept of "JICCHI (practice)", this paper discusses practical engineering education. The topic becomes more and more important in engineering education. Then, the paper shows new approaches in engineering education. They are regarded as next generations of engineering design classes, which Japanese universities introduced to their engineering curriculums recently. Lastly, it discusses their relation with engineering ethics.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 24-38}; [#v8d57989]
** 技術者倫理の展望:その歴史的背景と今後 &br; '''Engineering Ethics : Its Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects''' &br; 金光 秀和 &br; Hidekazu KANEMITSU &br; 金沢工業大学基礎教育部:金沢工業大学科学技術応用倫理研究所 &br; Academic Foundations Programs, Kanazawa Institute of Technology:Applied Ethics Center for Engineering and Science, Kanazawa Institute of Technology [#j903bb60]


At present, engineering ethics is introducing into engineering education in many countries in the world. In Japan just the same, engineering academic societies and professional societies are dealing with ethics education, and engineering ethics education is in activity at universities of science and technology. In this paper, the author will examine the necessity of engineering ethics and future engineering ethics, making a survey of historical backgrounds of engineering ethics including the difference of each country. He will take historical backgrounds into consideration by concentrating on the professional responsibility of engineers. And at last, he shall proceed to consider future engineering ethics, and the discussion of necessity of founding engineering ethics by philosophy of technology, paying attention to European approach which is trying to expand engineering ethics into ethics of technology.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 39-49}; [#q816c7ed]
** ベイジアン・ネットワークを用いた情報検索における発見的探索の研究 &br; '''Study on Heuristic Search in Information Retrieval Using Bayesian Networks''' &br; †ングンゲオ ワランカナ, ††ピンガン ウーエン, †††飯村 伊智郎, †中山 茂 &br; Warangkhana NGENKAEW, Ouen PINNGERN, Ichiro IIMURA and Shigeru NAKAYAMA &br; †鹿児島大学工学部情報工学科, ††キングモックト工科大学工学部情報工学科, †††熊本県立大学総合管理学部総合管理学科 &br; Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Department of Administration, Faculty of Administration, Prefectural University of Kumamoto [#l5309459]

This paper proposes a Bayesian networks technique and a heuristic search method for retrieving the most relevant documents, by combining the user profiles with the document details in matching the given query words. This proposed technique helps users to retrieve the documents in the descending order relevant to their needs, as the users can specify their requirements through a set of query words of interests along with heuristic information regarding the required documents. This technique stores heuristic information in both document profiles and user profiles. Then Bayesian networks are used to order documents in the descending order of users' relevancy. We have completed the experiment with 850 document records in the faculty library. Experimental results show that there are two factors that might have some effects on the results. The first factor is the sampling of the documents by the system itself and the second factor is the document number relevant to the users' needs.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 50-55}; [#o174627e]
** 遺伝子発現情報に基づくデータの集約化と視覚化 &br; '''Integration of Gene Expression Profiles into the Visualized Data Management System''' &br; †峯田 克彦, ††池尾 一穂, †田中 譲, ††五條堀 孝 &br; Katsuhiko MINETA, Kazuho IKEO, Yuzuru TANAKA and Takashi GOJOBORI &br; †北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科, ††国立遺伝学研究所 生命情報・DDBJ研究センター &br; [#x5478dbb]
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, CIB-DDBJ, National Institute of Genetics


An explosive increase of the gene expression data provides us a chance to analyze fundamental biological phenomena such as how the genes are being used in the organisms. As the data increases, however, we faced new problems how we deal with and analyze an enormously large amount of data. Moreover, the gene expression data includes information of the time, location and network of the genes that cannot be managed easily. Thus, the establishment of a novel management system for the gene expression data is one of the most essential tasks in the biological data analyses. Here, we introduce our visualizing platform of higher-dimensional biological data for the management of the gene expression data.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(3), 56-62}; [#fa436039]
** 宇部興産(株)におけるエンドユーザー教育:情報検索アドバイザー制度と研究所員に対する電子ジャーナルのユーザー教育支援 &br; '''End User Education at UBE Industries, Ltd : Information Retrieval Adviser System and Support of User Education of Electronic Journal for Laboratory Members''' &br; 岡本 和彦, 出口 昌信 &br; Kazuhiko OKAMOTO and Masanobu DEGUCHI &br; 宇部興産(株)研究開発本部知的財産部 &br; Intellectual Property Department, Corporate Research & Development Ube Industries, Ltd. [#q912d599]


This article describes how successfully Corporate Research & Development of Ube Industries, Ltd. had tackled to construct an information retrieval system for end users, and briefs the "Information Retrieval Adviser System" being emerged from the IR system construction. It is based on the policy that research or information retrieval should be done by researchers or scholars themselves who actually engaged in R&D, invention and so on. The company continues to introduce end user oriented information retrieval systems and necessary end user education or orientation. In detail each research department selects "information retrieval advisers" for the purpose of making the end user education more effectively, and raising the effects. Those advisers not only do their own studies but also instruct or advise for other researchers on how to effectively conduct information retrieval. In addition to this adviser system, the author also describes the support of user education of electronic journal (ScienceDirect) for laboratory members.

** [#za18cce1]

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