#title(情報知識学会誌, Vol.17)

* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 17 [#t67b08b0]
* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 17 [#k2364ea9]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 1}; [#p5efea37]
** 情報知識学会誌のオープンアクセス化と電子ジャーナル化 &br; '''Open Access Policy and Publication as an Electronic Journal''' &br; 国沢 隆 &br; Takashi KUNISAWA [#pfedb165]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 2-14}; [#l12d3b4b]
** 植物の育種・栽培試験のためのデータ分析支援システム &br; '''Designing Database Systems for Efficient Analyses in Breeding Tests of Plants''' &br; †井上 悦子, ††吉廣 卓哉, †††川路 英哉, ‡根来 圭一, ‡花田 裕美, ‡‡和中 学, ††中川 優 &br; Etsuko INOUE, Takuya YOSHIHIRO, Hideya KAWAJI, Keiichi NEGORO, Hiromi HANADA, Manabu WANAKA and Masaru NAKAGAWA &br; †和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, ††和歌山大学システム工学部, †††NTTソフトウェア, ‡わかやま産業振興財団, ‡‡和歌山県農林水産総合技術センター &br; Graduate School of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, NTT Software Corporation, Wakayama Industry Promotion Foundation, Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [#da0d7ca6]

全国の農業試験場などで実施されている育種・栽培試験のデータの管理および分析支援を実現するデータベースシステムを構築した.育種・栽培試験の現場では,植物を生育する労力だけでなく,データ分析の労力も無視できない.そこで,現場の研究者へのヒアリングや試験事例の文献調査により,育種・栽培試験データをモデル化した.また,このモデルを用いて分析支援システムを構築し,分析作業にかかるデータの可視化作業の効率化を実現した.本システムは,ユーザの利便性を第一に設計し,現場の研究者が普段より使用している表計算ソフトのファイルを用いて容易にデータベースへのデータ登録が行える.また, Webブラウザ上で容易にグラフ表示などの可視化を行えるほか,特定条件のデータのみをダウンロードする機能などにより,現場の分析作業を支援する.本研究では,試験事例である文献を対するモデルの適用性の調査と,実際の育種・栽培試験のデータ分析へのシステムの適用実験により評価を行った.

We developed a database system to store and analyze crop data which are obtained in breeding tests of various plants. In operating breeding tests, researchers pay considerable labor not only for cultivating but also analyzing obtained data. To improve it, we performed a data-modeling of crop data through investigating a number of reports and also through having interviews with several researchers of breeding. By managing crop data with this model, our system enables researchers to analyze the crop data efficiently, which results in reducing analysis labor of researchers. Our system is designed in consideration of usability: researchers can easily store crop data with their own spreadsheet files. They can also analyze the stored data through web browsers with simple operations such as selecting conditions and items to compare. Further, they can search data with conditions and the result can be downloaded. We evaluated our system by applying some breeding tests, and then we obtain good evaluation results with the comment that the system is useful and it reduces the labor of analyses.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 15-31}; [#e4ea4704]
** 検索行動調査に基づく検索エレメント設計に関する一考察 &br; '''A Study on the Design of Retrieval Elements based on an Investigation of User's Retrieval Processes''' &br; †松村 敦, ††古川 沙希子, †宇陀 則彦 &br; Atsushi MATSUMURA, Sakiko FURUKAWA, Norihiko UDA &br; †筑波大学大学院 図書館情報メディア研究科, ††日本アスペクトコア株式会社 &br; Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, NIHON ASPECT CORE INC. [#x463df63]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(1), 1-14}; [#we7bd961]
** 不適合情報を利用した情報検索手法の評価 &br; '''Evaluation of an Information Retrieval Method using Non-Relevancy Information''' &br; 松村 敦, 宇陀 則彦 &br; Atsushi MATSUMURA and Norihiko UDA &br; 筑波大学大学院 図書館情報メディア研究科 &br; Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba [#e6efbb0e]
現在,博物館などの持つ多様な情報資源を共有化し,提供しようとする動きが盛んである.しかし,これまでのシステムは,共有データの設計の議論が主で,利用者への提供方法に関する十分な議論がなされていない.そこで本研究では,資源共有システムにおける情報提供方法を検討するためには,利用者の検索行動を詳細に分析する必要があると考え,検索プロセスの記録とインタビュー・発話分析を組合せた検索行動調査を行なった.調査の結果,全エレメントを一度に検索できるANYは利用者の検索支援には重要であること, Titleのように格納されている内容の分かりやすいエレメントは効果的に利用できること, Dateのように検索に有効であっても,内部のデータ形式が不明な場合には利用されにくいことなどが分かった.これらの結果をもとに,資源共有システムでの検索エレメントの設計についての考察を行なった.

利用者が検索システムに投入する問合せの背後には複雑な検索要求が存在する.この情報を利用できないことが検索精度の低下を招く原因の1つである.本研究では, 自然文で表現された検索要求のうち不適合条件に着目し, これを係受け解析といくつかのルールを用いて構造化し, この構造を検索に反映させる手法を提案する.情報検索システム評価用テストコレクションNTCIR-2を用いて評価実験を行なったところ, 初期検索が単語1, 2個程度の比較的短い検索質問の場合には, 本手法の検索精度はRocchio型の適合フィードバック手法と同等であることが示された.
There are increasing numbers of systems designed to share information resources among different organizations. However, as the main point of discussion of these systems is the method of mapping the metadata element set of each database onto the others', users' viewpoints are kept out of the discussion of constructing systems. This paper aims to analyze user demands by investigating the actual use of information retrieval systems to examine search methods in shared resource systems. People's retrieval processes were investigated using a cognitive psychological experiment, with protocol analysis and interviews. Through a detailed analysis of their information retrieval processes, the following results were found: 1) a query that allows searches on all search elements together is effective for users who do not understand the details of either queries or databases; 2) elements such as 'Title', the definition of which is clear and easily understood, are used effectively; 3) even if an element is effective for retrieval, such as 'Date', it is not used when the format of the values in the element is not shown. Based on the results of this investigation, we discuss a method for constructing search elements in resource sharing systems.

Complex information needs are hidden in every query that is used to retrieve information requested by users. The non-availability of these complex information needs decreases the accuracy of information retrieval systems. Our proposed retrieval method uses non-relevancy information to clarify users' complex information needs. In our method, the non-relevancy information, which is represented by natural language sentences, is first structured using dependency analysis and heuristics. Next, the structured non-relevancy information is translated into a structured query and then used to score and rank the documents retrieved. Retrieval experiments using the NTCIR-2 test collection for information retrieval systems have shown that our method is equivalent to Rocchio's automatic relevance feedback method, when the initial query consists of only a few words.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 32-40}; [#pa1f5faf]
** 国際共同研究のためのネットワーク・コネクション &br; '''Cyber Connection for Cross-border Collaboration''' &br; †岡 伸人, ††岩田 修一 &br; Nobuto OKA, Shuichi IWATA &br; †東京大学 大学院工学系研究科, ††東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 &br; Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo [#t1a19efe]


A web platform has been developed for experts to solve a given problem strategically by taking advantage of available information data and/or knowledge. Information handled here are contexts (causal relation, consequence and time dependent properties), contents (textual information about specialized information and values in databases), and know-how (how to use computerized resources including simulation codes). It is the main concern of this prototype platform that a balance of sharing of information and appreciation of intellectual property right. This platform was used among materials experts in US and Japan through internet, and the results by such test users were reported.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 41-50}; [#c84626c3]
** コンパイラ・コンパイラを用いたメタデータ作成支援システムの開発 &br; '''Development of Metadata Generation Support System Using Compiler Compiler''' &br; †徳守 淳也, †小野 智司, ††木場 隆司, ††北山 信一, †中山 茂 &br; Junya TOKUMORI, Satoshi ONO, tAKASHI KOBA, Shinichi KITAYAMA, Shigeru NAKAYAMA &br; †鹿児島大学 工学部 情報工学科, ††鹿児島大学 附属図書館 情報管理課 &br; Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University, Division of information management and processing, Kagoshima University Library [#rc9a3980]


Many universities and other research organizations have proceeded construction of academic resource repositories under the leadership of National Institute of Informatics (NII). Because it requires much labor to create metadata contents of academic resources, development of tools or services enabling to easily create metadata contents is expected. This paper proposes a system which converts BIBT_EXmetadata of academic resources - widely used by researchers in science and engineering - into NII metadata format in order to support constructions of academic resource repositories. The proposed system enables to reduce almost four-fifth of workloads of creating metadata contents. In addition, utilizing compiler compiler to develop the proposed system reduced the develop cost.

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