情報知識学会誌, Vol. 17

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 1

Open Access Policy and Publication as an Electronic Journal
国沢 隆


情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 2-14

Designing Database Systems for Efficient Analyses in Breeding Tests of Plants
†井上 悦子, ††吉廣 卓哉, †††川路 英哉, ‡根来 圭一, ‡花田 裕美, ‡‡和中 学, ††中川 優
Etsuko INOUE, Takuya YOSHIHIRO, Hideya KAWAJI, Keiichi NEGORO, Hiromi HANADA, Manabu WANAKA and Masaru NAKAGAWA
†和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, ††和歌山大学システム工学部, †††NTTソフトウェア, ‡わかやま産業振興財団, ‡‡和歌山県農林水産総合技術センター
Graduate School of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, NTT Software Corporation, Wakayama Industry Promotion Foundation, Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

全国の農業試験場などで実施されている育種・栽培試験のデータの管理および分析支援を実現するデータベースシステムを構築した.育種・栽培試験の現場では,植物を生育する労力だけでなく,データ分析の労力も無視できない.そこで,現場の研究者へのヒアリングや試験事例の文献調査により,育種・栽培試験データをモデル化した.また,このモデルを用いて分析支援システムを構築し,分析作業にかかるデータの可視化作業の効率化を実現した.本システムは,ユーザの利便性を第一に設計し,現場の研究者が普段より使用している表計算ソフトのファイルを用いて容易にデータベースへのデータ登録が行える.また, Webブラウザ上で容易にグラフ表示などの可視化を行えるほか,特定条件のデータのみをダウンロードする機能などにより,現場の分析作業を支援する.本研究では,試験事例である文献を対するモデルの適用性の調査と,実際の育種・栽培試験のデータ分析へのシステムの適用実験により評価を行った.

We developed a database system to store and analyze crop data which are obtained in breeding tests of various plants. In operating breeding tests, researchers pay considerable labor not only for cultivating but also analyzing obtained data. To improve it, we performed a data-modeling of crop data through investigating a number of reports and also through having interviews with several researchers of breeding. By managing crop data with this model, our system enables researchers to analyze the crop data efficiently, which results in reducing analysis labor of researchers. Our system is designed in consideration of usability: researchers can easily store crop data with their own spreadsheet files. They can also analyze the stored data through web browsers with simple operations such as selecting conditions and items to compare. Further, they can search data with conditions and the result can be downloaded. We evaluated our system by applying some breeding tests, and then we obtain good evaluation results with the comment that the system is useful and it reduces the labor of analyses.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 15-31

A Study on the Design of Retrieval Elements based on an Investigation of User's Retrieval Processes
†松村 敦, ††古川 沙希子, †宇陀 則彦
Atsushi MATSUMURA, Sakiko FURUKAWA, Norihiko UDA
†筑波大学大学院 図書館情報メディア研究科, ††日本アスペクトコア株式会社
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, NIHON ASPECT CORE INC.

現在,博物館などの持つ多様な情報資源を共有化し,提供しようとする動きが盛んである.しかし,これまでのシステムは,共有データの設計の議論が主で,利用者への提供方法に関する十分な議論がなされていない.そこで本研究では,資源共有システムにおける情報提供方法を検討するためには,利用者の検索行動を詳細に分析する必要があると考え,検索プロセスの記録とインタビュー・発話分析を組合せた検索行動調査を行なった.調査の結果,全エレメントを一度に検索できるANYは利用者の検索支援には重要であること, Titleのように格納されている内容の分かりやすいエレメントは効果的に利用できること, Dateのように検索に有効であっても,内部のデータ形式が不明な場合には利用されにくいことなどが分かった.これらの結果をもとに,資源共有システムでの検索エレメントの設計についての考察を行なった.

There are increasing numbers of systems designed to share information resources among different organizations. However, as the main point of discussion of these systems is the method of mapping the metadata element set of each database onto the others', users' viewpoints are kept out of the discussion of constructing systems. This paper aims to analyze user demands by investigating the actual use of information retrieval systems to examine search methods in shared resource systems. People's retrieval processes were investigated using a cognitive psychological experiment, with protocol analysis and interviews. Through a detailed analysis of their information retrieval processes, the following results were found: 1) a query that allows searches on all search elements together is effective for users who do not understand the details of either queries or databases; 2) elements such as 'Title', the definition of which is clear and easily understood, are used effectively; 3) even if an element is effective for retrieval, such as 'Date', it is not used when the format of the values in the element is not shown. Based on the results of this investigation, we discuss a method for constructing search elements in resource sharing systems.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 32-40

Cyber Connection for Cross-border Collaboration
†岡 伸人, ††岩田 修一
Nobuto OKA, Shuichi IWATA
†東京大学 大学院工学系研究科, ††東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo


A web platform has been developed for experts to solve a given problem strategically by taking advantage of available information data and/or knowledge. Information handled here are contexts (causal relation, consequence and time dependent properties), contents (textual information about specialized information and values in databases), and know-how (how to use computerized resources including simulation codes). It is the main concern of this prototype platform that a balance of sharing of information and appreciation of intellectual property right. This platform was used among materials experts in US and Japan through internet, and the results by such test users were reported.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(1), 41-50

Development of Metadata Generation Support System Using Compiler Compiler
†徳守 淳也, †小野 智司, ††木場 隆司, ††北山 信一, †中山 茂
†鹿児島大学 工学部 情報工学科, ††鹿児島大学 附属図書館 情報管理課
Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University, Division of information management and processing, Kagoshima University Library


Many universities and other research organizations have proceeded construction of academic resource repositories under the leadership of National Institute of Informatics (NII). Because it requires much labor to create metadata contents of academic resources, development of tools or services enabling to easily create metadata contents is expected. This paper proposes a system which converts BIBT_EXmetadata of academic resources - widely used by researchers in science and engineering - into NII metadata format in order to support constructions of academic resource repositories. The proposed system enables to reduce almost four-fifth of workloads of creating metadata contents. In addition, utilizing compiler compiler to develop the proposed system reduced the develop cost.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 61-64

Automatically Classifying the Reference Records into NDC
†原田 隆史, ††江藤 正己, †・†††大西 美奈子 &br; Takashi HARADA, Masaki ETO and Minako ONISHI
†慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻, ††慶應義塾大学大学院文学研究科図書館・情報学専攻, †††NRIネットワークコミュニケーションズ
School of Library and Information Science, Keio University, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Keio University

本研究では,国立国会図書館(NDL)のレファレンス協同データベースに収録されたレファレンス記録に対するNDCの自動付与実験を行った。手法としては決定木法、ナイーブベイズ法,SVM(Support Vector Machine)法の3つの機械学習法を用いた。5703件のレファレンス記録中の質問文および回答文それぞれに含まれる単語を対象に学習させ,634件を対象に分類したところ,質問文を対象に手法としてはSVM法を用いた場合にわずかに正しく付与される傾向が見られた。ただし,再現率,精度ともに対象や手法による差はそれほど大きくなかった。また,分野カテゴリごとの再現率を調べたところ,分野によって再現率に大きな差かあった。分野によっては60%を超える再現率で分類できる場合もあり,機械学習法でレファレンス記録にNDCを付与することが有効であることが明らかになった。

In this research, we conducted the experiment of automatically classifying the reference records in the Collaborative Reference Database of the National Diet Library into Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC). Three machine learning methods: decision tree, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) methods - were tested on the words included in the sentences of questions and answers in 634 reference records. The results indicate that the using the SMV method and answer sentences were classified successfully compared to others.. As for the recall and precision ratio, there was small difference among the methods, and between question and answer sentences. The significant difference, however, was observed in the recall ratio by the NDC category; the result of some category obtained more than 60% recall ratio, which suggested that classifying reference records into NDC by using machine learning methods was effective.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 65-68

Measuring Distance between Cited Papers in a Citing Paper
江藤 正己
Masaki ETO
慶應義塾大学 大学院文学研究科
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Keio University


Co-citation, which is a typical similarity indicator among papers, has a premise that the degrees of similarity among cited papers are equal in one citing paper. But the similarity strength can be guessed from the distance between the places where cited papers are shown in a citing paper. In this paper, three distance measures ("physical distance", "co-occurrence of citing words", and "structural distance") are introduced for the purpose and these measures are evaluated.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 69-74

A SRU/SRW-based Information Retrieval System for Bibliographic Data at Library of Education
†江草 由佳, ††高久 雅生
†国立教育政策研究所教育研究情報センター, ††情報・システム研究機構新領域融合研究センター
Educational Resources Research Center, National Institute for Educational Policy Research
Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, Research Organization of Information and Systems


This paper reports an information retrieval system for Japanese bibliographic data based on SRU/SRW protocol. The system consists of a client which can access to our SRU/SRW server, and of a server which provides bibliographic data for educational papers at Library of Education. The server has about 120 thousands bibliographic records of "Kyoiku-Kenkyu-Ronbun-Sakuin", and are capable for basic retrieval functions in SRU/SRW, such as Boolean queries, queries for specific search indexes, etc. Its capabilities are confirmed by using two kinds of query datasets, functional test-set and OPAC log-based one, in a batch search experiment.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 75-80

A Prototype for a Research Area Browsing System focusing on Author-Keyword Relationship
レボウィッツ 紀子, 松村 敦, 宇陀 則彦
Noriko LEBOWITZ, Atsushi MATSUMURA, Norihiko UDA
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba


A researcher studies a new target domain through a search of papers. However, an efficient search is difficult if the information demands are ambiguous. To solve this problem, it is necessary prior to a search of the papers to have an understanding of the entirety of the research field and an overview of the research topics. In this paper, we propose a technique to extract the research topics by using author-keyword relationship in a specified research area. And we introduce the prototype system based on our proposal technique.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 81-84

Realizing Abduction, and Making up the structure of Lattice of behaviors
福永 征夫
Masao Fukunaga


To act for the solution of the global problems, as the damages of environment and ecosystem of the earth, the shortage of enemy and resources, we should not depend on using skill of trade-off which enables compromise conflicting values of different behaviors of life, but we should make up the structure of Lattice which means fusion of different values of different behaviors of life. And to attain the purpose, we have to evolve our abilities of realizing Abduction.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 85-90

The History of the Music Copyright in France between from the Revolution to the 19th Century
石井 大輔
Daisuke ISHII
筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba


This article dealt with a music copyright. Mass consumption of the musical works gave big influence to the copyright system, and a system to control a copyright intensively was made. I chase a process of the circulation of the musical works, the use and generation and the development of the music copyright from the legal system and the social side. This article passes through the Revolution period from Ancien regime in France, and to reach the establishment of SACEM in the 19th century. Therefore it is considered the history of the score publication, a French copyright system, the sudden rise of the management system of the music copyright.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 91-94

Usage of a Scientific Dictionary for Analysis and Visualization for Scientific and Technological Document
†甲田 彰, ††坂内 悟
Akira KOUDA, Satoru BANNAI
†独立行政法人科学技術振興機構情報提供部営業推進課, ††独立行政法人科学技術振興機構情報提供部普及企画課
Sales Promotion Division, Department of Service, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Marketing Division, Department of Service, Japan Science and Technology Agency

独立行政法人科学技術振興機構(JST)では、科学技術文献検索サービス「JDream II」の検索結果を出現頻度の経年変化や類似度の分析を行い,利用者に提供する「解析・可視化機能」の開発を進めている。JDream IIには出典がはっきりした文献データ約4,000万件を搭載しており,そのうちの2,300万件については,JST自らが抄録,索引語を付与している。今回は、現在のJDream IIに搭載されている分析機能である「頻度分析機能」を説明した上で,解析・可視化機能の概要や機関名辞書を用いた解析可視化機能の分析精度向上の工夫や今後の課題についてご報告する。

We, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is developing a new function "Analysis and Visualization" for our document retrieval system "JDream II". In this report, I describe the frequency analysis function on current JDream II, and Analysis and Visualization using a organization dictionary and the future enhance, too.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 95-100

Improving Web Retrieval Precision base on User Web browsing behavior
†堀 幸雄, ††今井 慈朗, †††中山 堯
Yukio HORI, Yoshiro IMAI, Takashi NAKAYAMA
†香川大学情報基盤センター, ††香川大学工学部, †††神奈川大学理学部
Information Technology Center, Kagawa University, Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University

The information on the Web is increasing explosively, and the Internet/Web has become the information infrastructure of our own time. Web users gather and find information through search engines using keywords related to their interests. However, it is not always the case that users conceive suitable keywords relevant to the problem in question. In this paper, we propose a novel method for query expansion based on the user profile generated from browsing histories of a user. This enables a user the context-sensitive keyword expansion using profiles specific to the user. Here, we assume that a users web browsing behavior corresponds to the users intended query. We illustrate the usefulness of our proposed method for query expansion with some examples.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 101-104

Extraction of Domain Knowledge from the Explanations of Japanese Classics
†長塚 隆, ††神門 典子
Takashi Nagatsuka, Noriko Kando
†鶴見大学, ††神門 典子
Dept. of Library, Archival and Information Studies, Tsurumi University, National Institute of Informatics


The metadata elements were extracted from the explanations of Japanese Classics on the web of Tsurumi University Library. They were divided into several groups and compared among four types of Japanese Classics, the manuscript, the minted book, the detached segment, and the other. It presents a clear difference of the metadata elements among four types of Japanese Classics. We discussed the difference of them from an aspect of domain knowledge.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 105-110

Database Systems for Humanities : Scripture Retrieval and Genealogical Visualization
†朴 明哲, ††森本 雅史, ††立花 純児, ††村川 猛彦, †††宇都宮 啓吾, ††中川 優
Ming Zhe Piao, Masashi Morimoto, Junji Tachibana, Takehiko Murakawa, Keigo Utsunomiya, Masaru Nakagawa
†和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科, ††和歌山大学システム工学部, †††大阪大谷大学文学部

Graduate School of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Literature, Osaka Ohtani University

寺院に所蔵されている様々な文書や典籍(聖教)において,その奥書には書写・伝授などの由来が記録されており,聖教の形成や当時の人間関係,およびその教学的な環境を知る手掛かりとなる.このような人文研究を支援するため,全文検索エンジンHyper Estraierを用いた聖教検索システムと,既発表の僧侶人間関係検索システムの発展版として,複数の師匠に対応した系図表示システムを構築した.両システムの連携についても述べる.

The documents and scriptures in the possession of temples are a key to making clear the transcription of the writings, the human relationships and the religious circumstances behind them, by means of the colophons that state the background of themselves. We have been developing the applications for supporting the activities of humane studies. In this paper, we introduce a scripture retrieval system powered by the full-text search engine Hyper Estraier, and an improved version of genealogical visualization system which allows any priest to have more than one master in a genealogical table. In addition the prospect of the cooperation between these two applications is discussed.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 111-116

The Effect of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research : its analysis through researchers' career stages
柿沼 澄男, 西澤 正己, 孫 媛, 根岸 正光
国立情報学研究所 情報社会相関研究系
Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics


The system of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research form Ministry of Education. Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan is one of the oldest funding systems, which has been supporting researchers belonging to universities and research institutes in Japan. This paper examines the researchers' need of funding chronologically through their career stages by the amount of grants awarded.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 117-122

Investigation into Genome-related and Nanotechnology Research at Grants-in-Aid in JAPAN
西澤 正己, 孫 媛
Masaki NISHIZAWA and Yuan SUN
Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics


The system of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from MEXT is one of the oldest ones, which is the funding system for researchers belonging to universities and institutes in Japan. In this Grants-in-Aid, it is very interesting to see how the adoption situation of the research of these prioritized areas on the 2nd Science and Technology Basic Plan has changed. We measure strength of a related level each other by comparing "Field feature keyword" that has been developed so far and the research subjects and the applied detail research fields in the Grants-in-Aid. Especially in this analysis, the relation between a field related to the genome, a nanotechnology in the prioritized area and the applied research subjects and their applied detail research fields are examined by using this method, and the secular distortion of the adoption situation and the mutual relation are examined by using Correspondence Analysis etc.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 123-127

Title Count Analysis of Journals Published in Japan
時実 象一
Soichi Tokizane
愛知大学 文学部
Faculty of Letters, Aichi University


情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 129-134

Constructing and Utilizing ontology for Cultural Resources
研谷 紀夫, 馬場 章
Norio ogiya, Akira Baba
東京大学 大学院情報学環
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies the University of Tokyo


One of the characteristics of digital archives used to digitize and present historical materials and cultural resources is that they allow you to handle materials of various types and content synthetically. In addition, putting together various materials into one archive allows the possibility to find new relationships between materials that have been conventionally separated by type, as well as enable you to search materials in a cross-sector manner. Notably materials created in the same era may include common information through geological condition, figures, social organizations and historical events. In this study, materials are integrated through an understanding of the relationship between various historical artifacts with ontology. An integrated digital archive is constructed based on these viewpoints and verified.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 135-140

The concept of the hierarchical relation in terminological theories
山本 昭
愛知大学 文学部
Faculty of Letters, Aichi University

In terminology theories, hierarchical relationship between concepts is regarded to be central. After reviewing the classical theories and the criticism against them, the discussions and the points on the hierarchical relation are described, focusing on the individual concept, the partitive relation, and the context dependency of the hierarchy. The followings are concluded. In terminology, the hierarchical relations are subsequent relations resulting from the construction of a concept system, and therefore make few serious confusion in the terminology workplace even though they are inappropriately defined, compared to thesauri for information retrieval. The disciplinary view is reflected on the selection of essential characteristics. The arbitrariness and the intuitiveness are hardly avoidable in hierarchical relations. The exploitation of the viewpoint of hierarchical relation may be of use during the course of exploring the 'concept of concept' in terminology science, which is indispensable for the wider and multicultural application of the terminology theory.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(2), 141

How to build information systems now and future in the time of Web2.0
岡本 真, 兼宗 進, †宇陀 則彦


情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(3), 148

In Response to "Science Information and Basic Human Right"
石塚 英弘


情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(3), 149-163

The network analysis method to extract the central editorial messages of canonical texts
村井 源, 徃住 彰文
Hajime Murai and Akifumi Tokosumi
東京工業大学 社会理工学研究科価値システム専攻
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology


It is classic problem to interpret holistically a collection of texts written to communicate some particular school of thought. This paper proposes a new scientific method of approaching that. The method utilizes multiple variant texts that overlap in terms of content, and creates a network of the relationships between small text elements within the texts, and finally analyzes the resultant network by extracting edge dense parts as definite hierarchical clusters. Through this process it is possible to extract the central editorial messages within the collection, which differ from the central messages normally obtained through text analyses. The method was applied to the Gospels of the New Testament using the pericopes as small text elements, and four central editorial messages were extracted. In addition, the paper shows numerically how central Christian teachings depend on the combination of the Gospels, by analyzing the Gospel of Thomas which has been regarded as a heretic text with the traditional Gospels. Based on the analysis, we conclude that the Gospel of Thomas is a neutral Gospel and that it did not change the central Christian message from the perspective of the central editorial messages.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(3), 164-181

Generation and Verification of a hypothesis by Analogical Reasoning using Causal Relationships in Patent Documents:Life Science Fields as an Example
†石川 大介, †石塚 英弘, ††藤原 譲
†筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科, ††基礎情報学研究所
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Research Institute of Fundamental Infology

類推によって仮説を生成する発想支援システムを構築するための基礎研究として,我々は因果関係に類推を適用して仮説を生成し,その仮説の検証を試みた.基となる因果関係は,我々が以前の研究で薬学分野の特許文献から抽出したものであって,手段の用語と効果の用語から構成されている.類推は,その因果関係の用語を他の類似した用語に置き換えることによって行った.ペプチドによる創傷治療効果,厚朴による抗炎症作用,ラクトフェリンによる感染防除効果の3つの因果関係を用いて類推を行い,227件の仮説を生成した.この227件の仮説をライフサイエンス辞書を用いて検証し,91件の仮説は類推として適切な結果であることを確認した.さらに,91件の仮説の中から9件の仮説をPubMed Central及びPubMedで検証した結果,8件の仮説は文献で報告されている.これらの結果は,本研究の類推によって生成された仮説は有効であることを示している.

We applied analogical reasoning to causal relationship to generate hypotheses, and verified the hypotheses, as a basic study to develop a creativity support system. Causal relationships used in the present study have been extracted from patent documents of the field of pharmacy in our previous work, and consist of a term of method and a term of effect. Analogical reasoning is performed by replacing the term of the causal relationships with another similar term. Two hundred and twenty seven hypotheses are generated with analogical reasoning using the following 3 causal relationships; wound healing by peptide; anti-inflammatory by Magnolia bark; infection protecting activities by lactoferrin. As a result of verification of the 227 hypotheses by Life Science Dictionary, 91 hypotheses are appropriate as analogical reasoning. Furthermore, we verified 9 hypotheses among the 91 hypotheses with PubMed Central and PubMed, and found that 8 hypotheses have been reported in the literature. These results show that the hypotheses generated by analogical reasoning in the study are effective.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(3), 182-191

Considering our Livelihood as Culture : the establishment and operation of the Printing Museum, Tokyo and what we are aiming for(Monthly Meeting Report)
宗村 泉


情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(4), 207-215

Revival of ancient mural paintings : digital contents of decorated tombs
朽津 信明
National Research Institute for Cultural Properties


It is better to close mural paintings in burial tombs for their conservation. On the other hand, the value of the mural paintings can be realized only through their opening to public. Virtual reality techniques using computer graphics can contribute to solve that contradiction, i.e. "conservation or opening to public." In this paper, some examples of digital contents of decorated tombs will be introduced.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(4), 217-224

A movement of digitizing, archiving and sharing archival information in Japan
五島 敏芳
Haruyoshi GOTOH
National Institute of Japanese Literature

小稿は,日本におけるアーカイブズ(文書館,永久保存記録)の情報の動向を,電子化・保存,共有化の視点から概観する.先行研究の成果に拠りながら,1)データの電子化が不均衡なこと,2)その電子化の多くが長期保存を考慮していないこと,3)利用者へ分かりやすい内容を伝えようとする努力がみられること,4)文書館相互の情報共有において資料目録の情報共有が意識されないこと,を指摘する.他方で新しい動きも見られる.国文学研究資料館史料館の実験からはじまった電子的検索手段(資料目録,索引,検索システム等)のデファクト国際規格EAD,Encoded Archival Description(符号化永久保存記録記述)の利用や,それらEADデータをつないで共有する日本のアーカイブズの世界でのオンライン総合目録の構想についても紹介する.

This article surveys the trend or a movement of archival information in Japan from the viewpoint of digitizing, archiving and sharing. Referring to earlier studies, it points out the following trends: 1)unbalanced digitizing, 2)little consideration for long term data preservation, 3)effort toward explaining easiness to understand for archives users, 4)almost no consciousness of information sharing for archival finding aids. On the other hand, there is a new movement. This article also introduces the following: challenging application of EAD to Japanese archival finding aids, idea of online union catalog of archives in Japan, etc.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(4), 225-234

Digitalization, Preservation and Application of Pre-war Textbook
江草 由佳
国立教育政策研究所 教育研究情報センター
Educational Resources Research Center, National Institute for Educational Policy Research


This paper reports digitalization and utilization of Japanese old textbook which was used before current Japanese textbook, "Sengo-Kentei-Kyokasho", has been used. As a case study, Library of Education's services for the old textbook collection are reported.

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(4), 235-242

Excavation from old books : Biohistory as regeneration, Network
矢野 環
Tamaki YANO
同志社大学 文化情報学部
Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha Univ.


If we get appropriate data from a group of old books, we can scientifically explain the systematics of it. For mathematical treatment, we use not only character based data, but also graphical data. Here we will explain the case of "Painted scroll of thirty six famous poets", "Ikenobo Sennoh's book on flower arrangement" and "Tea caddys of egg plant type".

情報知識学会誌, 2007, 17(4), 243-250

Quarry and Rebirth of Cultural Assets Information
田良島 哲
Satoshi Tarashima
Tokyo National Museum:National Institute for Cultural Heritage


For gathering and making rebirth of rich information from historical cultural assets, it is required to repeat long range investigations into them. This report introduces some examples of "quarries" from Japanese cultural assets, mainly manuscripts, and points out what kind of information have been scooped and overlooked through the history of investigations.


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