情報知識学会誌, Vol. 18

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 1-2

安永 尚志


情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 3

根岸 正光
Masamitsu NEGISHI


情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 4-21

An evaluative study of the scientific contribution of nations:A citation analysis in the field of library and information science
角田 裕之
Hiroyuki TSUNODA
尚絅大学 文化言語学部:筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Department of Culture and Language, Shoukei University:Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba

従来用いられている引用に基づく研究貢献度指標(被引用数,被引用率,引用係数)は,評価対象のマクロな数量から導出され,被引用-引用行列に見られるミクロな情報が失われている.本論では,ミクロな情報を考慮に入れた国の研究貢献度指標としてNational Contribution(NC)を提案した。論文レベルでの国iから国jへの貢献素量(c_<ij>)を定義し,c_<ij>から導出される規格化被引用-引用行列の固有値方程式の解析により,各国のNCが得られる.NCは引用係数(C/C')と相関係数が高く類似した指標である.図書館情報学分野の4雑誌に掲載された論文を標本とした分析から,NCはC/C'より「貢献度の高い国からの引用は貢献度が高い」ことを反映した指標であることを示した.

Traditional research contribution indicators such as citation rate and citation factor are derived from macro-level data of the objects evaluated. This paper proposes a novel national contribution indicator, National Contribution (NC), which takes into account the micro-level information given in the cited-citing matrix for the objects. We define 'elementary contribution' c_<ij> from nation i to nation j for individual articles, which derive a normalized cited-citing matrix. NC's of nations are obtained from the eigenvector analysis of this matrix. An experiment using citation data to articles in 4 journals in library and information science showed that NC, although highly correlated to citation factor (cited-to-citing ratio), is an indicator reflecting the idea "a citation from a higher-contributing nation gives a higher contribution", which is not considered in citation factor.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 22-46

An Application of the Semantic Web Technologies in the Knowledge Domain related to the Allergy
†ソロビヨワ イェレナ, ††石塚 英弘
†図書館情報メディア研究科 図書館情報メディア専攻博士後期課程, ††筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Doctoral Program in Library, Information and Media Studies, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba

我々は, XML/RDF (Resource Description Framework技術をアレルギーに関する知識領域への適用を試みた.その領域には複雑なデータ構造と、データ要素・リソース間の意味関係が存在する.本論文の目的は次の3要素で構成される.(i)アレルギー疾患の要因に関する知識領域を最適に表現するために,概念の群およびそれら概念間の関係を記述するオントロジーを設計・開発すること;(iii)アレルギー疾患に関係する情報資源の主題索引に本オントロジーを適用すること;(iii)構築したオントロジーと索引を用いて情報資源からデータを検索することの3つである.メタデータの構造化,表現そして蓄積はセマンティクウェブ技術であるRDFとSimple Knowledge Organisation System(SKOS)を用いて実行した.一方,Webリソース自体の構造はXMLフォーマットを用いて記述した.セマンティクWeb技術とXMLによって表現された情報を検索するために,我々はWebアプリケーションのプロトタイプを開発した.また, RDFと他のセマンティクWeb技術がこのライフサイエンス分野に蓄積された情報の探索,ブラウジング,検索に新しい可能性を提供することも示した.

The authors tried to apply XML/RDF (Resource Description Framework) technologies to the knowledge domain related to the allergy which includes complicated data structures and semantic relationships among data elements and resources. The purpose of this work is threefold: (i) The design and the development of the ontology representing a set of the concepts and the relationships between these concepts for the knowledge domain devoted to the factors of allergic diseases; (ii) The application of this ontology for subject-indexing of resources related to the allergic diseases; (iii) The use of the created ontology and the indexing for retrieving the data from the resources. The structurization, representation and storage of metadata have been performed by using the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF and the Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS). On the other hand, the structure of the web resources themselves is described by using the XML format. In order to retrieve the information, represented by the Semantic Web technologies and XML, we developed a prototype web application. We further demonstrate that RDF and other Semantic Web technologies provide new possibilities for searching, browsing and retrieving the information accumulated in the life sciences.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 47-57

An Architecture of Institutional Web Archiving System that have functions to Merge and Split Archives
柊 和佑, 阪口 哲男, 杉本 重雄
Wasuke Hiiragi, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Shigeo Sugimoto
筑波大学 学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba


Archiving Web content is an important topic for digital libraries. Usually, Web archiving systems freely can collect, preserve and provide. However, Web archiving systems have disadvantages: it is difficult to collect all versions of a resource. We proposed a Web archiving system which is designed to collect resources in accordance with a resource archiving policy determined by the person or organization which provides the resources on the Web. This system was designed without damage to the Web archive by reorganization. The Web archives should cooperate to reduce damage by the reorganization, and the cooperative task is to split archive and convert schema. We call this cooperative task the merge method. This paper describes the model of the Web archiving system which have functions of split and merge archives, and a prototype system implemented based on the model.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(1), 58-61

NIHのPublic Access方針について:査読論文の国際的なGenBank化へ向けて
NIH Public Access Policy:Toward building an international GenBank of reviewed papers
国沢 隆
Science University of Tokyo

National Institutes of Health(NIH)の資金によって得られた研究成果を査読付き論文として発表する場合には、研究者は最終原稿電子版を論文が公表されてから1年以内にNIHに送付することが義務付けられることになった.このNIHの方針が生まれた背景を解説するとともに、公的資金を受けた研究論文のレポジトリー・データベース化を目指すための必要事項を検討した.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 83-86

'''Categorization of Explanation as Knowledge Representation:Study by a Japanese-language dictionary and a biology textbook
†堀田 久貴, ††野條 浩亮, †真栄城 哲也, †中山 伸一
Hisaki HOTTA, Kosuke NOJO, Tetsuya MAESIRO, Shin-ichi NAKAYAMA
†筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科, ††筑波大学図書館情報専門学群
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, School of Library and Information Science, University of Tsukuba

特定の対象に対する知識は,様々な説明の仕方で表現されている.本研究では,そのような表現の仕方の体系化を目的とし,国語辞典と生物教科書から用語についての説明文を取り出し,その仕方を分類した,その結果, 20の表現の仕方の類型を抽出した,さらに,国語辞典と生物教科書でその類型の出現回数を調べ,類型により偏りがあることを明らかにした.

The knowledge for the specific object is expressed by a way of various explanations. In this study, we took out those explanations about terms from a Japanese-language dictionary and a biology textbook and categorize those explanations by the ways. As a result, the 20 types of the way of expression are extracted. Furthermore, we examined the appearance numbers those types in a Japanese-language dictionary and a biology textbook and clarified that there was deflection among the explanation type.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 87-92

Keyword Extraction Methods for Bibliographic Information of Ancient Documents
†村川 猛彦, †山中 克真, ††宇都宮 啓吾, †中川 優
Takehiko Murakawa, Katsuma Yamanaka, Keigo Utsunomiya, Masaru Nakagawa
†和歌山大学 システム工学部, ††大阪大谷大学 文学部
Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Faculty of Literature, Osaka Ohtani University


Ancient documents and scriptures provide a clue as to their background and the human relationships, due to the colophons and the bibliographic data. Using the full-text search system that we have developed, we attempt to extract the helpful keywords. The words of Japanese year are made of the imperial era names and the numbers to filter through the full-text search. Temple names are obtained by a text-mining approach whose first step is to find the Chinese character of temple. The keywords are split character by character and formed by means of trie to store in a database. Moreover we improve the search interface so that the users can see the resulting documents with the keywords highlighted for further search.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 93-98

Current state and the usage model of the information about historical figure on digital network
研谷 紀夫
Norio Togiya
情報知識学会:東京大学 大学院情報学環
Japan Society of Information and Knowledge:Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies the University of Tokyo


There is currently a variety of computerized historical and cultural resource information stored on digital networks, namely the Internet. This information contains a variety of information on historical figures and through the provision of such reference material it is possible to promote a further understanding of historical and cultural archives and documentation. This research considers the potential uses of authentic data concerning historical figures in the modern age that can be shared over digital networks following examination of the current state of such information available over the Internet.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 99-104

Collaborative filtering method for efficient collaboration recommendation
†堀 幸雄, ††今井 慈郎, †††中山 堯
Yukio HORI, Yoshiro IMAI, Takashi NAKAYAMA
†香川大学 総合情報センター, ††香川大学 工学部, †††神奈川大学 理学部
Information Technology Center, Kagawa University, Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University


Recently, various fields of science are becoming increasingly specialization. There is a necessity for performing the research in a lot of fields with collaboration. This paper proposes a recommendation system based on Collaborative Filltering for automatically obtain a research partner from the network. By using data from a bibliographic database, this network is constructed in which the nodes are researchers and two researchers are connected if they have co-authored a paper. The proposed system estimates the usefulness of unknown co-authored researcher using Collaborative Filtering algorithms. This suggested the proposed system can be used for discovering useful researchers.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 105-116

A possibility of applying visualized-analysis technique to bibliometrics
西田 正, 植松 利晃
Tadashi Nishida, Toshiaki Uematsu
Japan Science and Technology Agency


Bibliometrics, the study to quantitatively analyze article information in the database, is quite frequently limited in the no. of analyzable cases due to a manual operation. Japan Science and Technology Agency has newly developed a visualized-analysis technique application capable of analyzing by far a greater no. of cases, identifying the organization names and making a co-appearance map with multiple items. The present paper considers an impact that visualized-analysis technique has on bibliometrics.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 117-122

Investigation of Articles Submitted from abroad to Japanese Academic Journals
孫 媛, 柿沼 澄男, 西澤 正己, 根岸 正光
国立情報学研究所 情報社会相関研究系
Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics


Scholarly journals published by Japanese academic societies play important roles in dissemination and sharing of Japanese researchers' research results. To further promote their international distribution, internationalization of the Japanese academic journals in various aspects is required. In recent years, articles submitted from abroad to those journals seem to be increasing. In this study, we look the situation surrounding academic journals in Japan through detailed analysis on those journals with high percentages of foreign researchers' papers, based on the CJP database, produced by National Institute of Informatics.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 123-130

A research on visualization for collaboration research and its trend in Japanese journals or Grant-in-Aid
西澤 正己, 孫 媛, 柿沼 澄男
国立情報学研究所 情報社会相関研究系
Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics


Collaborating research is made abundantly in the academic research. A difference of aspect by the research field appears especially in collaboration work with several organizations. We develop software for visualization of collaborating research on CJP database and KAKEN database. This software is most useful for analyzing an aspect of fields, trends, and locality of academic research.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 131-142

A Simulation of Fund Allocation for Universities Based on Their "Citational Power" Revealed in the ISI Database
根岸 正光
Masamitsu NEGISHI
National Institute of Informatics:SOKENDAI

筆者はこれまで,本会年次報告会や朝日新聞社刊「大学ランキング」誌等において, ISIデータベースを用いた,わが国の大学別の発表論文数,被引用数に関する統計指標を提示してきた.政府財政逼迫のおり,最近ではこうした成果指標を国立大学運営費交付金や私大補助金の配分に反映させるべしとの論調も強まり,財務省によるこの種の試算も公表されている.本報告では,大学別の論文の被引用数に着目し,これに基づいた交付金・補助金の配分額を試算し,現行の実績額との増減を明らかにし,またその年次的進行をシミュレートする。その結果を踏まえつつ,こうした成果主義的配分の影響度,問題点について分析,考察する.

The author has been publicizing statistical indexes for Japanese universities based on the number of papers and citation counts in the ISI's databases. Increasing financial difficulty at the national government tends to encourage arguments that some performance-based system should be introduced in allocating funds for national and private universities. In this paper, the author makes a trial calculation to allocate funds according to the citations gained by each university, and contrasts them with the present allocations. Then, yearly progression of the system's effect is traced with a simulation. Discussions on influences and problems caused by this type of meritocracy follow.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 143-152

Researching into Making up such Construction of Knowledges, as Harmonizes Analysis and Synthesis of the World
福永 征夫
Abduction Researching Institution


When we see the building process of knowledges in science, We can find two kinds of knowledge-building process based on different type of reasoning. The one is "penetrating knowledge process", which is penetrating a special domain knowledge into the object to be understood. The other is "connecting knowledge process", which is connecting plural special domain knowledges to a broader domain knowledge. The type of reasoning in "penetrating knowledge process" is necessary and inevitable analytic-reasoning about the object, using a special domain knowledge. The type of reasoning in "connecting knowledge process" is probable and composing synthetic-reasoning between different domain knowledges. For human survival value, we have to give the same value to both researching activities of two knowledge-building process. We have to research to make up such construction of knowledges, as harmonizes analysis and synthesis of the world. That is the construction of "FUSIONOLOGY" of sciences.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 153-160

Automatic assignment of "Kansei" parameters to the books based on the words in online book reviews
†原田 隆史, ††江藤 正己, †・†††高柳 知世
Takashi HARADA, Masaki ETO, Tomoyo TAKAYANAGI
†慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻, ††亜細亜大学, †††東京海上日動火災保険株式会社
School of Library and Information Science, Keio University

近年,感性に基づいて小説を検索できるシステムが開発され実用化されてきている。著者らも児童書を対象としてオンライン書評から感性を示すパラメータに値を設定し,検索できるシステムを構築してきた。しかし,人間が付与するパラメータの値と書評中の語との関係の分析は十分に行われておらず,書評中の語を元として感性パラメータの値をどのように設定することが適切であるかは明らかとなっていない。本研究は,書評中の「人の感情や本の雰囲気を表す語」を元に機械学習の手法を用いて人間の判断と一致する感性パラメータの値を付与する実験を行ったものである。図書1605冊分の書評を使って自動設定実験を行った結果, (1)自動設定において書評中の語を使うことに有用性がある, (2)書評中のすべての語を用いるよりも,出現回数が多い30語程度を用いた方が効果的である, (3)書評中から抽出する語の品詞はほとんど再現率に影響しないことなどを明らかにすることができた。

In recent years Kansei retrieval systems have been developed to be practical use. We have developed the retrieval system using Kansei parameters based on online book reviews of children's books. The relation between parameters assigned manually and the words in online book-reviews has yet to be analyzed enough, however. Moreover, how to set appropriate value of Kansei parameters based on the words in online book reviews has not been theoretically proved. To resolve such problem, we have conducted an experiment. In this experiment, Kansei parameters which are consistent with the value gained manually were assigned based on "the words, which represent human feelings, impressions or atmosphere of books" using the machine learning approach. We have used 1605 book reviews to assign the parameters automatically. The result showed that : 1)using the words in book reviews is useful to assign parameters automatically, 2)using about 30 frequent words is more effective than using all the words in book reviews, and 3) the recall ratio is not influenced by the parts of speech of the words extracted from book reviews.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 161-168

Analysis of Digital Libraries Utilization based on Access Log
宇陀 則彦, 伊藤 宏美, 松村 敦
Norihiko UDA, Hiromi ITO and Atsushi MATSUMURA
筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba


Digital library is one of the library services that provide information resources and searching tools. University of Tsukuba Library provides various kinds of tools, especially "MetaLib" and "SFX" are powerful tools. MetaLib is a metasearch engine, which conduct simultaneous searches in multiple, and often heterogeneous information resources. SFX is a linking system, which allows context-sensitive linking between Web resources. In this paper, we report a trend chart of utilization of digital libraries based on access log analysis. Moreover, we made a tutorial of the digital library system of University of Tsukuba, and evaluated the effect. It was found that the numbers of utilization of the system are increasing. The tutorial did not develop new users, but led existing users to navigate to other effective services.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 169-176

A Dictionary Reading System using Relationships between Words
松村 敦, 末次 美央, 宇陀 則彦
筑波大学 大学院図書館情報メディア研究科
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba

辞書を読み物として活用することを目的として,語の関連性に着目した辞書リーディングシステムを構築した.本システムは, 1つの語を引くと,同音異義語,反義語,有名フレーズに共起する語など7種類の関連語を提示する.これによって,利用者は興味を持つ語をたどることが可能となり,辞書を読み進めることができる.実際にシステムを利用してもらい,アンケートを実施したところ,辞書を面白く読み進めるためには,未知の語・未知の関連の発見が重要であることが示された.

Whenever any words are looked up in our system, related words of seven classes are provided, such as synonyms, antonyms, words co-occured in well-known phrases, and so on. Consequently, users can read the dictionary through the network of interesting words. In the preliminary experiment, we found that unknown words and unknown relationships between words were important to make dictionaries attractive reading.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 177-180

Causal Knowledge Extraction from Scientific Papers by Engineering Ontology
梶川 裕矢
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo


The effect of the utilization of ontology is examined in order to extract causal relationships from scientific papers. At first, engineering ontology was proposed by integrating existing conceptual models about artifacts, and its validity was tested. Then, an experiment to extract causal relationships was performed by using the obtained ontology. The precision in the extraction is significantly improved compared to the case using co-occurrence of terms from 28.6% to 63.3%.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 181-188

Preliminary analyses of eye movement data in Web information seeking
†高久 雅生, ††寺井 仁, †††江草 由佳, ‡齋藤 ひとみ, ‡‡三輪 眞木子, ‡‡‡神門 典子
Masao TAKAKU, Hitoshi TERAI, Yuka EGUSA, Hitomi SAITO, Makiko MIWA, Noriko KANDO
†情報・システム研究機構新領域融合研究センター, ††東京電機大学情報環境学部情報環境学科, †††国立教育政策研究所教育研究情報センター, ‡愛知教育大学教育学部, ‡‡メディア教育開発センター, ‡‡‡国立情報学研究所情報社会相関研究系:総合研究大学院大学
Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, Research Organization of Information and Systems, School of Information Environment, Tokyo Denki University, Educational Resources Research Center, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Faculty of Education, Aichi University of Education, National Institute of Multimedia Education, Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics:Graduate University for Advanced Studies

著者らは,大学生11名を対象として, Web情報探索行動の理解のためのユーザ実験を行った.情報探索タスクとしてInformational指向およびTransactional指向の探索課題を2つ与え,それぞれ15分間の課題遂行を行う探索実験を設定した.本稿ではとりわけ,課題遂行中の眼球運動計測装置による視線データの分析手法および予備的な分析結果について述べる.分析手法として,検索結果一覧ページに着目したものと,全探索プロセスに対してのおおまかな注視領域を設定したものとの2つの方式を採用し,それぞれでの分析結果を報告する.

The authors have conducted a user study for 11 undergraduate students in order to understand information seeking behaviors on Web. The participants were assigned two types of information seeking tasks, Informational task and Transactional task, where each task takes 15 minutes. This paper reports preliminary analyses of eye movement data during conducted tasks. Two types of the analysis are shown. One is an analysis based on manual coding for area of interests. The other is based on fixation analysis of rough block assignments into some of display areas.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 189-193

Analysis of Research Front and Hierarchical Structure of Science Based on Modularity
武田 善行, 梶川 裕矢
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo


Clustering using cocitation and bibliographic coupling is an effective tool to analyze the structure of scientific research, but its arbitrariness in the setting of clustering threshold is a problem. This study tracked modularity of citation networks in research domains, and we found that there are three stages in clustering of citation networks and it is universal across our case studies. In the first stage, core clusters in the domain are formed. In the second stage, peripheral clusters are formed, while core clusters continue to grow. In the third stage, core clusters grow again. By focusing on elementary process in clustering, we can understand a hierarchical structure of domain and judge the location of each paper, which cannot be seen in the final clustering results.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 194-199

The problems for XML formalization of the formulas for numeric data analysis of the materials field
†芳須 弘, †原田 幸明, †藤田 充苗, ††芦野 俊宏
Hiroshi YOSHIZU, Kohmei HALADA, Mitsutane FUJITA, Toshihiro ASHINO
†物質・材料研究機構, ††東洋大学
National Institute for Materials Science, Transdisciplinary research Integration Center, Toyo University


We tried to construct the solution supported system for problems in materials field using semantic Web technologies and pointed out necessary functions. In this report, mechanical properties data and model formulas for analysis of data were collected in order to resolute mechanics problems. And then the application of the MathML, that was XML description in the formula to the system was examined. Consequently, in order to solute smoothly data analysis and the problem in materials field was enabled by communalizing unification of the character and symbol which are used with the formulas that were expressed by MathML. Thus, the unification were proposed and an example of the application was introduced.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 200-203

Development of a database system integrating technological part of patent and science & technology information
†甲田 彰, ††森田 歌子
†独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 情報提供部営業推進課, ††独立行政法人科学技術振興機構
Sales Promotion Division, Department of Service, Japan Science and Technology Agency,Japan Science and Technology Agency


Based on the government plan "Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2006", We, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) has constructed a database "JSTPatM", integrating technological part of patent and science & technology information. We started its free providing service to Universities from March 2007. The paper reports ideas and efforts in data structure, interface and links to patent documents of JSTPatM.

情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(2), 204-208

Japanese Journals in Humanity and Social Sciences
時実 象一
Soichi Tokizane
Aichi University


Journal publication in the humanity and social science fields was studied. There are 1436 scholarly journals and 4156 university bulletins are published, and among them, 279 scholarly journals and 2236 university bulletins are digitized and available from NII-ELS. In addition, 37 scholarly journals and 64 university bulletins are on the web and linked from WARP of the National Diet Library

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