#title(情報知識学会誌, Vol.16)

* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 16, No. 4 [#p04e2cb7]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 1-10}; [#nc29a76f]
** Web2.0:利用者参加による情報の共有と価値の付加 &br; '''Web2.0:shared and add-valued information by participation''' &br; 遠藤 智代 &br; Tomoyo ENDO &br; 筑波大学大学院図書館情報メディア研究科 &br; [#p2404ac6]
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba


In 0ctober 2005, Tim O'Reilly defined Web2.0 as "the architecture of participation." Now this phrase of "the architecture of participation," draws our attention on the Web. But we do not yet fully understand what it really means. This paper will explain an idea of "the architecture of participation" and show some examples of its application on the Web.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 11-22}; [#qaebc134]
** 「電子国土Webシステム」を用いた知識の形成・結合・共有 &br; '''Combining, Sharing and Constructing Geographical Knowledge Using "The Denshikokudo Web System"''' &br; 山島 一浩 &br; Kazuhiro YAMASHIMA &br; 筑波学院大学情報コミュニケーション学部 &br; Tsukuba Gakuin University Faculty of Information & Communication [#jf5e539d]

Webにおける知識の形成・結合・共有の例として,著者が開発した土地利用図などの主題図を用いた学習の支援システムによる知識の形成・結合・共有について論じる.学習者は地図を読図して獲得した地理的な知識を本システムによってWeb上で凡例付きのメッシュ地図として表現する.本システムは,凡例をもとに作成されるメッシュ地図を知識として個人レベルからクラス単位,学校間へと結合して拡張することができる.知識表現にはRDF(Resource Description Framework)やRDF schemaを用いている.基盤となる地図情報は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムの配信機能を利用した.

In this paper I examine about combining, sharing and constructing geographical knowledge on the Web with an E-leaming system using land use maps developed by myself. A learner can represent geographical knowledge on a map as a legend data and a mesh map data on the system. By using this format, combination and reuse of mesh data, from personal level, to class level and then to inter-school level, are possible. Each mesh data is managed by the system. RDF and RDF schema are used for knowledge representation in metadata, mesh data and legend data. This system was implemented through a joint research with the Geographical Survey Institute, Government of Japan.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 23-32}; [#i70f4bc7]
** WEBにおける広告モデル : 新しい広告メディアの可能性 &br; '''A new model of advertising business on the Web : Possibility of new advertising media''' &br; 藤田 明広 &br; Akihiro FUJITA &br; 凸版印刷株式会社 &br; Toppan Printing CO., LTD. [#c4cd6206]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 33-40}; [#de71af54]
** 個別化するWeb:検索キーワードの個別化 &br; '''Web Personalization : Improving Web Search Ranking based on User Profiling''' &br; 堀 幸雄†, 今井 慈郎, ††中山 堯 &br; Yukio HORI, Yoshiro IMAI, Takashi NAKAYAMA &br; †香川大学情報基盤センター, ††神奈川大学理学部 &br; Research Center for Computing and Communications, Kagawa University, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University [#z53bb098]
** 個別化するWeb:検索キーワードの個別化 &br; '''Web Personalization : Improving Web Search Ranking based on User Profiling''' &br; 堀 幸雄†, 今井 慈郎, 中山 堯†† &br; Yukio HORI, Yoshiro IMAI, Takashi NAKAYAMA &br; †香川大学情報基盤センター, ††神奈川大学理学部 &br; Research Center for Computing and Communications, Kagawa University, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University [#z53bb098]


With increasing the Web information, users got necessity to have attention for that. Ability of human information processing has a limit, and web search ranking results is a fundamental problem in information retrieval. Recently personalization and adaptation of Web data have become very important issues. These techniques use user's behavior,and clarify user's context. First, we introduce researches about personalization of Web data and compared in their features. We also discuss about improvement ordering of web search ranking results incorporating user's behavior.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 41-50}; [#ja1ca274]
** WWW探索行動研究における諸問題:「探索の成功」という概念を中心に &br; '''Some problems in WWW searching behavior research : About the concept of success in the searching''' &br; 相良 佳弘 &br; Yoshihiro SAGARA &br; 聖徳大学 &br; Seitoku University [#n53d08ba]


As the Internet is the important media, Information searching behavior on the WWW attract public attention. However, some problems that should be solved have been left when it is investigated and researched. In this article, these problems are examined.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 51-62}; [#f1ffc082]
** Web情報探索における認知プロセスの理解とその応用 &br; '''Investigation and Application of Cognitive Processes of Information Seeking on the Web''' &br; 齋藤 ひとみ &br; Hitomi SAITO &br; 愛知教育大学 &br; Aichi University of Education [#re9a3e9a]


In this paper, we introduce our cognitive approach about the information seeking on the Web. First, we investigated how people find information into web space by using protocol analysis. Second, we applied experimental findings of our study to constructing learning environments that help students to acquire information search skills. Finally, we try to apply our cognitive studies to create a computational model of information seeking on the Web and developing evaluation indicators for information retrieval experiments.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2006, 16(4), 63-72}; [#g6cb9c0a]
** 教育情報のメタデータ化と検索システムの構築 &br; '''Making of a Learning Object Metadata for Educational Contents and Development of a Search System''' &br; 榎本 聡, 清水 康敬 &br; Satoshi ENOMOTO, Yasutaka SHIMIZU &br; 国立教育政策研究所, 独立行政法人メディア教育開発センター &br; National Institute for Educational Research, National Institute of Multimedia Education [#f5264678]


It is important to classify the educational contents on the Internet for informationization of the education, and to make it easily retrieve. In this paper, giving the learning object metadata (LOM) for the educational contents is described, and it introduces the construction of the search system that uses LOM.

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