#title(情報知識学会誌, Vol.18)

* 情報知識学会誌, Vol. 18, No. 3 [#ab808489]

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 219}; [#reaf1081]
** 会長就任にあたって &br; 根岸 正光 &br; Masamitsu NEGISHI &br; 情報知識学会 [#y3c417b1]


** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 220-239}; [#x5a3c3ba]
** 災害対応情報の共有化を考慮したXMLスキーマの設計 &br; '''Design of XML schemata for sharing disaster response information''' &br; †・‡‡浅野 俊幸, ††下羅 弘樹, †††外間 正浩, ‡天見 正和, †佐土原 聡 &br; Toshiyuki Asano, Hiroki Shimora, Masahiro Sotoma, Masakazu Amami, Satoru Sadohara &br; †横浜国立大学大学院環境情報学府, ††独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, †††NTT環境エネルギー研究所, ‡株式会社ドーコン, ‡‡:独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構横浜研究所 &br; Graduate School of Environment and Information Science, Yokohama National University:Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories, Docon Co., Graduate School of Environment and Information Science, Yokohama National University [#n5e72ff4]


All types of disaster response information are exchanged when a disaster occurs. However, the organizations which carry out disaster response have developed a variety of information systems, and their data structures do not take into account sharing with other organizations. As a result, information sharing is not being done smoothly. In this research, we focused on flood damage as an example of disaster response, and attempted to organize information items by analyzing tasks and information relating to flood damage response. Furthermore, data structures (XML schemata) were designed and proposed with the aim of sharing disaster response information with other organizations using XML. The proposed XML schemata were verified through use in a demonstration experiment conducted in Mitsuke City, Niigata Prefecture--a region with experience in flood response. In the demonstration experiment, an attempt was made to share information across multiple information systems and networks. The data complied with 13 types of XML schemata, and was shared through the participation of 7 participating organizations, and 11 cooperating organizations, in accordance with a scenario based on the events of the Niigata-Fukushima Torrential Rain Disaster of 2004. Mitsuke City employees were asked, in a questionnaire survey, to evaluate the XML schemata in terms of effectiveness in disaster response work. They determined that information sharing could be done smoothly, and that the system was useful. A questionnaire survey was also administered to supervisors at the participating organizations, who actually handled the XML schemata in their information systems. Although there were some issues in the environment of the demonstration experiment, their assessment was that it was possible to share the necessary information.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 240-248}; [#e04a9b13]
** プレプリントへの長期署名付与および検証システムの構築 &br; '''Development of the long term signature application and validation environment to preprint documents''' &br; †山地 一禎, †片岡 俊幸, ††行木 孝夫, †††曽根原 登 &br; Kazutsuna YAMAJI, Toshiyuki KATAOKA, Takao NAMIKI, Noboru SONEHARA &br; †国立情報学研究所学術ネットワーク研究開発センター, ††北海道大学大学院理学研究院数学部門, †††国立情報学研究所情報社会相関研究系 &br; R & D Center for Academic Networks, National Institute of Informatics, Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University, Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics [#ofbabf23]


In many academic fields, exchange of preprints plays an important role to establish the priority of new research ideas and results. Distribution of preprints by electronic file via the Internet has become a primary method in addition to paper publication. Electronic preprints should be certified in terms of existence proof and tamper resistant, especially in the paperless era. We developed a secure preprint service environment by that uses an electronic signature and timestamp technique.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 249-259}; [#hf090449]
** イノベーションへ向けたグローバル情報コモンズの構築:現状の課題と将来の可能性 &br; '''Establishing Global Information Commons for Innovation : Current Challenges and Future Possibilities''' &br; 鎗目 雅 &br; Masaru YARIME &br; 東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 &br; Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo [#i08245a4]


Since scientific and technological progress is developing rapidly and the sources of knowledge and information are widely distributed, no single organization has all the necessary resources to stay on top of all areas of research and innovation. Global information commons can play a critical role in integrating and utilizing various sources of scientific and technical information. Easy and open access to large and diverse contents of data and information will promote collaboration for innovation linking the seeds of science and technology and economic and social needs. Leading experts from Japan, the United States, and other countries discussed current challenges and future possibilities regard to global information commons in science and technology. With in-depth understanding of technical, economic, legal, and institutional conditions in the creation, distribution, management and preservation of data and information in different fields, it will be possible to utilize global information commons for enhancing innovation for global sustainability. The incentive structures of relevant actors and collaboration mechanisms among university, industry, and the public sector are among the aspects identified to be significant. Institutional design is emphasized for legal aspects of intellectual property rights and international standards and ethical issues of the digital divide and protection of privacy.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 260-279}; [#u3fe1e5a]
** アトムデータによる国民経済計算の推計 &br; '''Estimation for the System of National Accounts using "Atomdata"''' &br; 高島 史郎 &br; Shiroh TAKASHIMA &br; シュヴァリエ代表:内閣府経済社会総合研究所国民経済計算部 &br; Chevalier:Department of National Accounts, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan [#j5ed635b]


The System of National Accounts (SNA) is processed statistics, created from various primary statistics. Therefore, quality and quickness of SNA depends on the quality and publication dates of these statistics. Designs and publication dates of primary statistics are incompatible with SNA's specification, because, governmental administration for the statistics is in a very dispersed environment. The author proposes an estimation method for SNA that uses "atomdata" for improving its quality and timeliness.

** &size(12){情報知識学会誌, 2008, 18(3), 280-285}; [#l6037872]
** ガスハイドレートの国際データベース構築プロジェクトについて &br; '''CODATA Hydrate task group : the construction of the international gas-hydrate database''' &br; 内田 努 &br; Tsutomu UCHIDA &br; 北海道大学 &br; Hokkaido University [#z2430a45]

2001年より,CODATAのTask groupとして,ガスハイドレートに関する国際データベースの構築プロジェクトが行なわれている.このプロジェクトは,日本でも現在非在来型天然ガス資源のひとつとして注目を集めているガスハイドレートに関して,世界中に散在するデータベースをひとつのポータル上でリンクさせ,仮想的な国際データベースを構築するものである.本稿では,これまでのTask groupの活動を紹介し,国際データベースのスキームをまとめた.同時に,国内のガスハイドレート研究者を中心に行ったアンケート調査の結果をまとめ,データベース構築に対する意識について報告する.この報告をもとに,現在の日本国内におけるガスハイドレート研究の現状を紹介するとともに,データベース構築に対する問題点を考察した.

This report summarized the activities of the Gas Hydrate Task Group in CODATA, and introduced the scheme of the portal site for the international gas-hydrate database. Also, it reported the results of the questionnaire which had been done for the gas hydrate researchers in Japan. The responses for the questionnaire showed the present situations of the gas hydrate researches in Japan and the including problems for the database constructions.

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